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Uncovering the Identity of Mahito's Killer: Who Will Deliver the Final Blow?

Who Kills Mahito

Discover who takes down the cursed spirit Mahito in the thrilling manga/anime series Jujutsu Kaisen. Action-packed battles await!

Who kills Mahito? That's the question that's been on everyone's mind since he emerged as one of the primary antagonists in Jujutsu Kaisen. As a cursed spirit, Mahito has caused chaos and destruction wherever he goes, making him one of the most hated characters in the series. But who will finally put an end to his reign of terror? Will it be Yuji Itadori, the main protagonist of the series? Or will it be one of the other jujutsu sorcerers who have been tasked with defeating him?

It's not an easy task, that's for sure. Mahito is a formidable opponent, with the ability to manipulate souls and change the shape of his body at will. He's proven himself to be a worthy adversary time and time again, taking down even the most skilled jujutsu sorcerers with ease. But that doesn't mean there isn't hope for our heroes.

One thing that's clear is that whoever takes down Mahito will need to be powerful both physically and mentally. They'll need to be able to withstand his attacks and outsmart his cunning tactics. But they'll also need to have a strong sense of morality, as Mahito's actions have caused immense pain and suffering to countless people.

So who has what it takes to defeat him? Some fans believe that Yuji Itadori is the most likely candidate, given his status as the main character and his incredible strength and resilience. Others think that Megumi Fushiguro, another powerful jujutsu sorcerer, could be the one to take down Mahito. And then there are those who believe that a surprise character could emerge as the ultimate hero.

Of course, there are also those who think that Mahito could continue to evade his enemies and cause chaos for many more chapters to come. After all, he's a cunning and unpredictable opponent who always seems to have a trick up his sleeve. But one thing's for sure – whoever finally manages to take him down will be celebrated as a hero by fans around the world.

So who kills Mahito? The answer is still up in the air, but one thing's for sure – the battle to defeat him will be epic and unforgettable. Will it be a fierce showdown between two powerful opponents, or will it be a surprise twist that catches everyone off guard? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure – we can't wait to find out.

The Search for Mahito's Killer

As the cursed spirit Mahito continues to wreak havoc on Jujutsu Tech, there's one question on everyone's mind: who will be the one to take him down? With his ability to manipulate souls and change the shape of his body, Mahito has proven to be a formidable opponent. But fear not, dear reader, for we have compiled a list of potential candidates who just might have what it takes to end Mahito's reign of terror.

Gojo Sensei

Let's start with the obvious choice – Satoru Gojo, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in existence. With his domain expansion and limitless cursed energy, Gojo is more than capable of taking down Mahito. However, there's just one problem – Gojo is currently sealed away in a prison realm. So unless someone can figure out a way to break him out, it looks like we'll have to rely on other contenders to take on Mahito.

Itadori Yuji

Next up is our protagonist, Itadori Yuji. While he may not have the same level of experience and power as Gojo, Itadori has proven time and time again that he's a force to be reckoned with. His physical strength and resilience are unmatched, and his ability to control Sukuna's cursed energy gives him an edge in battle. Plus, let's not forget that he's already faced off against Mahito once before and lived to tell the tale.

Nobara Kugisaki

Don't underestimate the power of a well-placed straw doll. Nobara may not have the same level of brute strength as some of her peers, but her clever use of cursed tools and her ability to manipulate her surroundings make her a valuable asset in any fight. Plus, we know that she's not afraid to take risks – remember when she willingly let Mahito hit her just so she could get a better shot?

Maki Zenin

Maki may not have cursed energy, but what she lacks in that department, she makes up for in sheer determination and skill. Her proficiency with weapons and her ability to read opponents make her a formidable opponent in battle. Plus, her family's cursed tool – the Heavenly Restriction – could prove to be a game-changer against Mahito.

Toge Inumaki

Let's not forget about Toge, the quiet and unassuming sorcerer who has the power to control people with his words. While his cursed technique may not seem like much at first glance, it has the potential to be incredibly powerful in the right hands. If he can find a way to use his abilities to counter Mahito's soul manipulation, he just might be the one to take him down.


Yes, you read that right – we're talking about Panda, the cursed corpse who just so happens to be a talking panda. Hear us out, though – Panda's strength and agility are nothing to scoff at, and his ability to change his form could be the key to outmaneuvering Mahito. Plus, let's be real – who wouldn't want to see a panda take down a cursed spirit?

Fushiguro Megumi

Last but certainly not least is Fushiguro, the stoic and reserved sorcerer who has yet to show us the full extent of his powers. His shikigami – especially his loyal wolf, Komainu – could prove to be invaluable in a fight against Mahito. Plus, we know that Fushiguro has a deep sense of duty and would do whatever it takes to protect his friends and allies.

The Verdict

So, who will be the one to take down Mahito once and for all? It's impossible to say for sure, but one thing's for certain – Jujutsu Tech is full of talented and capable sorcerers who are more than up for the challenge. Whether it's Gojo, Itadori, Nobara, Maki, Toge, Panda, Fushiguro, or some other unexpected hero, we have faith that Mahito's days are numbered.

And who knows – maybe it'll even be a team effort. After all, as the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Whatever happens, we're looking forward to seeing how this epic battle plays out.

The Unexpected Hero Who Takes Down Mahito

Mahito's reign of terror has finally come to an end, and it's all thanks to an unlikely hero. You see, Mahito's secret admirer turned out to be his worst enemy - a vengeful ex-girlfriend who had enough of his evil ways.

Mahito Meets His Match in the Form of... a House Cat?

As Mahito was walking down the street, feeling invincible as always, he came across a little house cat. He thought nothing of it and continued on his way, but little did he know that this cat would be his downfall.

Mahito's Plan Backfires - Sorry, Not Sorry

Mahito had been planning his next attack on innocent people, but this time he decided to take a different approach. He thought he would use his powers to manipulate a group of heroes and turn them against each other, but his plan backfired when they all realized what he was up to.

When Mahito Messes with the Wrong Villain

Mahito thought he was untouchable, but he messed with the wrong villain. This guy had been waiting for the chance to take down Mahito, and he wasn't going to let anything stand in his way.

The One Time Mahito Should Have Listened to His Mother

Mahito's mother always warned him about the consequences of his actions, but he never listened. He thought he was above everyone else, but this time he learned the hard way that his actions have consequences.

Mahito Gets a Taste of His Own Medicine (Literally)

Mahito had been using his powers to twist and manipulate the souls of others, but he finally got a taste of his own medicine. Someone had figured out a way to use Mahito's own powers against him, and he didn't stand a chance.

The Unlikely Duo Who Brings Mahito to Justice

In the end, it took an unlikely duo to bring Mahito to justice - a hero who had lost everything because of Mahito's actions, and a former villain who had turned over a new leaf and wanted to make amends for his past mistakes.

Mahito's Final Misadventure (Good Riddance!)

Mahito thought he could get away with anything, but his final misadventure proved to be his downfall. He was finally brought to justice for all the pain and suffering he had caused, and the world could finally breathe a sigh of relief knowing that he was gone for good.

Mahito vs. the World: Spoiler Alert, the World Wins!

Mahito thought he could take on the world, but he was sorely mistaken. In the end, it was the collective efforts of heroes, villains, and everyday people alike that brought him down. He may have been powerful, but he was no match for the strength of humanity.

Who Kills Mahito?

The Tale of Mahito's Demise

Once upon a time, in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, there was a cursed spirit named Mahito. He was feared by many because of his ability to manipulate souls and turn them into monstrous creatures.

One day, Mahito crossed paths with a group of jujutsu sorcerers who were determined to put an end to his evil deeds. The sorcerers consisted of:

  1. Yuji Itadori - A young boy who had consumed the powerful cursed object, Sukuna's finger.
  2. Megumi Fushiguro - A skilled sorcerer who specialized in controlling shikigamis.
  3. Nobara Kugisaki - A confident sorcerer who wielded a powerful hammer.
  4. Satoru Gojo - A legendary sorcerer who possessed immense power.

The battle between Mahito and the sorcerers was intense. Mahito used his ability to create cursed beasts to attack the sorcerers, but they were able to hold their own. Yuji Itadori, in particular, proved to be a formidable opponent thanks to the power of Sukuna's finger.

The Final Blow

After a long and grueling battle, it was Satoru Gojo who finally landed the fatal blow on Mahito. With a powerful blast of energy, he obliterated Mahito and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

But as Mahito's body dissipated into nothingness, something unexpected happened. A small, fluffy creature emerged from the ashes.

The Truth About Mahito

The creature introduced itself as Mahito's soul. It explained that Mahito was not an inherently evil spirit, but rather a victim of circumstance. Mahito had been born with a unique ability to manipulate souls, but he had never been taught how to control it properly. As a result, he had become twisted and corrupted over time.

Feeling remorse for his actions, Mahito's soul begged for forgiveness and asked Satoru Gojo to help him find peace. Moved by the creature's sincerity, Satoru agreed to help.

The Lesson Learned

The story of Mahito's demise teaches us that even the most fearsome of foes may have a tragic backstory. It also reminds us of the importance of forgiveness and compassion, even in the face of great evil.

So the next time you encounter someone who seems to be irredeemable, remember the tale of Mahito and consider giving them a second chance.

Closing Message: Who Kills Mahito?

Well, well, well, we have come to the end of our discussion about who kills Mahito. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog as much as I enjoyed writing it. I know that we had some serious moments and some funny ones too, but that's what makes this topic exciting.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for sticking with me until the end. Your support is what keeps me going, and I appreciate it very much. Before we part ways, let's recap some of the highlights of this article.

Firstly, we established that Mahito is a cursed spirit in Jujutsu Kaisen. He has caused a lot of chaos and destruction, making him one of the most feared enemies in the show. Secondly, we explored the different theories about who could kill Mahito. We looked at the possibility of Yuji Itadori, Sukuna, and even Gojo Satoru being the ones to take him down.

However, after careful consideration and analysis, we concluded that the person who will most likely kill Mahito is none other than Yuji Itadori himself. Yuji has demonstrated time and time again that he is a force to be reckoned with. He possesses amazing physical strength and fighting skills that make him a formidable opponent, even against cursed spirits as powerful as Mahito.

Moreover, Yuji's character development throughout the show has shown us that he is not just a fighter, but also a compassionate and empathetic person. These qualities make him the perfect candidate to take down Mahito, who represents everything that is evil in the series.

So, there you have it, folks. Our journey to discover who kills Mahito has come to an end, and we have found our answer. Of course, this is just a theory, and things could go differently in the show. However, I am confident that Yuji will emerge victorious in the end.

Before I wrap up, I want to remind you that Jujutsu Kaisen is not just a show; it's a masterpiece. It has everything you could ever want in an anime- action, drama, comedy, and romance. It's a show that will keep you on the edge of your seat, and it's definitely worth watching if you haven't already.

Thank you once again for reading this blog. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it. Stay tuned for more exciting content from me, and until next time, happy watching!

Who Kills Mahito?

People Also Ask:

1. Does Yuji Itadori kill Mahito?

No, Yuji Itadori does not kill Mahito. In fact, their battles have been quite intense and evenly matched, making it unclear who will come out on top.

2. Is Gojo Satoru the one who defeats Mahito?

Yes, Gojo Satoru is the one who ultimately defeats Mahito. However, it's important to note that he did not do it alone and had help from other powerful sorcerers.

3. Does Nobara Kugisaki play a role in Mahito's defeat?

While Nobara Kugisaki does not directly play a role in Mahito's defeat, she does contribute to the overall victory by taking out several of his allies throughout the series.

4. Does Fushiguro Megumi have a hand in killing Mahito?

Yes, Fushiguro Megumi also plays a crucial role in Mahito's defeat by using his cursed techniques to weaken him and help set up the final attack.


So, who kills Mahito? The answer is Gojo Satoru, with the help of other powerful sorcerers such as Fushiguro Megumi. Despite intense battles with Yuji Itadori, he was not the one to land the final blow. While Nobara Kugisaki did not directly contribute to his defeat, she played an important role in weakening his allies. So, it was a team effort that ultimately led to Mahito's downfall.

But let's be real, it wasn't just about the defeat of a cursed spirit. It was also about the bonds between friends, the power of teamwork, and the triumph of good over evil. And if that doesn't make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, then I don't know what will.