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Discovering the Voice behind 'Snowbird': Who Sang the Beloved Canadian Classic?

Who Sang Snowbird

Who Sang Snowbird? Learn about the iconic song and its history from the original singer, Anne Murray, to its many covers by other artists.

Who sang Snowbird? It's a question that has been asked by many music lovers, and the answer might surprise you. This classic song, which has become synonymous with winter and the holiday season, was actually first recorded by a Canadian singer named Anne Murray.

Now, before you start scratching your head and wondering who Anne Murray is, let me tell you that she is one of the most successful female artists in the history of music. With over 55 million records sold worldwide, she has won countless awards and accolades throughout her career, including four Grammy Awards and numerous Juno Awards.

But despite her massive success and popularity, it's hard to deny that Snowbird remains one of her most beloved and recognizable songs. With its gentle melody and evocative lyrics, it has become a staple of holiday playlists and winter-themed events all over the world.

So how did Anne Murray come to record this timeless classic? Well, the story goes that she was introduced to the song by its composer, a fellow Canadian named Gene MacLellan. Impressed by its haunting beauty and simple elegance, Murray decided to include it on her 1970 album, also titled Snowbird.

The rest, as they say, is history. The song quickly became a hit, reaching number one on the Canadian charts and breaking into the top 10 in the United States. It's been covered by countless other artists over the years, from Elvis Presley to Bing Crosby to Sarah Brightman, but Anne Murray's version remains the definitive rendition.

Of course, it's not just the song itself that has captured the hearts of listeners for generations. It's also the story behind the song – the idea of a bird flying south for the winter, seeking refuge from the cold and dark of the northern hemisphere. It's a theme that resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds, reminding us of the importance of finding warmth and light in even the bleakest of times.

And that may be the true magic of Snowbird – not just its catchy melody or poignant lyrics, but the way it speaks to something deep within us all. Whether you're a diehard Anne Murray fan or just someone who enjoys a good holiday tune, there's no denying the power and beauty of this timeless classic.

So if you find yourself humming along to Snowbird this winter, take a moment to appreciate the singer who brought it to life – and the songwriter who first dreamed it up. Who knew that a simple song about a bird could bring so much joy and warmth to so many people?


Have you ever wondered who sang Snowbird? That iconic song that has been covered by many artists over the years. Well, wonder no more because I am here to tell you all about it. But wait, before we get into that, let's have a little fun shall we?

The Mystery Begins

Who sang Snowbird? Some say it was a Canadian singer named Anne Murray, others say it was Elvis Presley in disguise. I mean, he did love his jumpsuits and sequins, maybe he wanted to switch things up a bit. But alas, the mystery remains unsolved.

Anne Murray: The Snowbird Queen

Okay, let's get serious for a minute. The truth is, the person who sang Snowbird was indeed Anne Murray. She released the song in 1970 and it became an instant hit. Murray's version of Snowbird has been covered by countless artists over the years, but none can compare to the original.

What's So Great About Snowbird Anyway?

Well, for starters, the lyrics are beautiful and poetic. They speak of new beginnings and hope for the future. And let's not forget about that catchy chorus. It's no wonder why this song has stood the test of time.

Fun Fact Alert!

Did you know that Snowbird was written by Gene MacLellan, a fellow Canadian? He wrote the song in 1965 and it wasn't until five years later that Anne Murray recorded it. MacLellan's version of Snowbird was never released, but it's still worth a listen if you can find it.

Snowbird Covers

As I mentioned earlier, Snowbird has been covered by many artists over the years. Some notable covers include Olivia Newton-John, Bing Crosby, and Elvis Presley. Yes, even The King couldn't resist this song's charm.

The Unlikely Cover

But perhaps one of the most unexpected covers of Snowbird came from punk rock band, The Dead Kennedys. That's right, you read that correctly. They released a version of the song in 1985 and it's definitely worth a listen if you're feeling adventurous.

Snowbird: The Musical

Okay, now I'm just making things up. But can you imagine a musical based on the song Snowbird? It could be about a group of snowbirds who migrate to Florida every winter and the adventures they have along the way. I smell a Tony award.


So there you have it, folks. The mystery of who sang Snowbird has been solved. Anne Murray is the queen of Snowbird and no one can take that title away from her. And who knows, maybe one day we'll see a Snowbird musical on Broadway. A girl can dream, can't she?

Final Fun Fact

Just kidding, there's no final fun fact. But I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. Now go listen to some Snowbird and let those sweet melodies transport you to a world of hope and new beginnings.

The Case of the Missing Snowbird Singer

Did you hear about the Snowbird mystery? No, not the bird that flies south for the winter. I'm talking about the classic song Snowbird. You know the one: Beneath it's snowy mantle cold and clean, the unborn grass lies waiting for its coat to turn to green. But who sang it?

The Mysterious Voice Behind the Snowbird Song

It's a question that's been plaguing music lovers for decades. The identity of the Snowbird singer is still unknown. Some say it was Anne Murray, but she denies it. Others think it was Dolly Parton or Elvis Presley, but there's no evidence to support those claims. So, who sang Snowbird?

Snowbird: The Unsolved Mysteries Edition

It's like a real-life episode of Unsolved Mysteries, except instead of a missing person, it's a missing singer. Was the Snowbird singer abducted by aliens? Did they join a witness protection program? Are they living on a tropical island somewhere, sipping margaritas and laughing at all of us?

Who Sang Snowbird? It's a Mystery That'll Leave You Laughing

The truth is, we may never know who sang Snowbird. But that doesn't stop people from coming up with wild theories. Some say it was a duck that accidentally got caught in the recording studio. Others think it was a ghost singer who only appears when the snow falls.

Quack, Quack - Did a Duck Sing Snowbird?

Let's examine the duck theory for a moment. It's not as crazy as it sounds. Ducks can make some pretty interesting noises. Maybe one of them stumbled into the studio and started quacking away, and the producer thought it sounded like a beautiful melody. Or maybe they just got lucky and caught the duck on a good day.

The Real Story Behind Snowbird's Unknown Singer

Of course, there's also the possibility that the Snowbird singer was just a regular person who didn't want to be famous. Maybe they were a shy introvert who only agreed to sing the song because their friend begged them to. Or maybe they were a janitor at the recording studio who just happened to have an amazing voice.

Ghost Pepper, or Ghost Singer? The Unsolved Experiences of Snowbird

Then there's the ghost theory. Some people claim to have heard the Snowbird singer's voice in their dreams. Others say they've felt a cold breeze when the song comes on the radio. Maybe the Snowbird singer was a ghost all along, haunting us with their beautiful voice.

Dolly Parton, Elvis, or a Martian? The Ever-Growing List of Snowbird Singing Suspects

The list of suspects grows longer every year. Some people now believe that Dolly Parton and Elvis Presley were both involved in the Snowbird recording in some way. Others think that a Martian landed on Earth and sang the song as a tribute to our snowy planet.

A Bird, a Plane, or a Singer? The Wild Theories Behind the Snowbird Mystery

So, who really sang Snowbird? It's a mystery that may never be solved. But one thing's for sure: the theories will keep coming, and the laughter will never stop. Whether it was a duck, a ghost, or a Martian, the Snowbird singer will always be a beloved mystery.

The Tale of Who Sang Snowbird


Have you ever wondered who sang the famous song Snowbird? Well, let me tell you a humorous tale about this classic hit.

The Story

Once upon a time, there was a young Canadian singer named Anne Murray. She had dreams of becoming a successful musician and making it big in the music industry. One day, she stumbled upon a song called Snowbird written by Gene MacLellan, a fellow Canadian songwriter.

As soon as Anne heard the song, she knew it was meant for her. She loved the melody and lyrics about a bird flying away to escape the cold winter. She could relate to the message of the song and knew that it would resonate with her audience.

The Recording

In 1970, Anne Murray recorded Snowbird and released it as a single. The song quickly became a hit and topped the charts in both Canada and the United States. It was the start of Anne's successful career, and she went on to record many more hits.

The Legacy

Snowbird became an iconic song and a symbol of Canadian music. It was covered by many artists over the years, including Elvis Presley, Bing Crosby, and Olivia Newton-John. But it was Anne Murray's version that stood out and captured the hearts of millions of fans around the world.

The Conclusion

So, there you have it, the tale of who sang Snowbird. Anne Murray may have started out as a young hopeful singer, but she became a legend thanks to this timeless classic. And if you're ever feeling down during the winter months, just remember the lyrics of Snowbird and fly away to a warmer place.

Table of Keywords

Keyword Definition
Snowbird A famous song about a bird flying away to escape winter
Anne Murray A Canadian singer who recorded Snowbird and became a successful musician
Gene MacLellan A Canadian songwriter who wrote Snowbird
Charts A list of the most popular songs based on sales and radio play
Iconic Widely recognized and revered

And the Winner of the Snowbird Sing-Off Is…

Well folks, we’ve reached the end of our little journey together. We’ve explored the history of the classic song “Snowbird,” we’ve analyzed the different versions that have been recorded over the years, and we’ve even had a little sing-off to determine who did it best.

But now it’s time to answer the big question: Who Sang Snowbird?

Drumroll please…

The winner of the Snowbird Sing-Off is…


That’s right, nobody sang Snowbird. It’s all just an elaborate hoax cooked up by the Canadian government to make us all think that winter isn’t so bad after all.

Okay, okay, I’m just kidding. The truth is, there were a lot of great versions of Snowbird that we listened to. Whether you prefer Anne Murray’s classic rendition or something a little more off-the-wall like Elvis Presley’s take, there’s no denying that this song has stood the test of time.

Personally, I’m still partial to the idea of a Snowbird sing-off. Maybe we can make it an annual event, sort of like the Super Bowl but with less tackling and more crooning.

Until then, though, I think it’s safe to say that Snowbird will continue to be a beloved classic for generations to come. It’s a song about finding warmth and comfort in the midst of a cold and dreary world, and that’s a message that never goes out of style.

So thank you all for joining me on this little musical journey. I hope you enjoyed listening to all the different versions of Snowbird as much as I did. And who knows, maybe someday we’ll figure out who sang it best after all.

Until then, keep on singing! And remember, when winter comes knocking at your door, just put on some Anne Murray and let the warmth wash over you.

Take care, and stay tuned for more musical adventures in the future!

Who Sang Snowbird?

People Also Ask:

1. Who originally sang Snowbird?

2. Who made Snowbird famous?

3. Did Elvis ever sing Snowbird?

4. Is Snowbird a Christmas song?


Oh boy, people sure are curious about who sang Snowbird. I guess they really want to know who to thank for getting that catchy tune stuck in their head. Well, fear not my friends, for I am here to enlighten you on this important matter.

1. The original artist who sang Snowbird was none other than the lovely and talented Anne Murray. Yes, that's right, the Canadian singer who brought us hits like You Needed Me and Could I Have This Dance.

2. While Anne Murray may have been the first to record Snowbird, it was actually made famous by another artist - Elvis Presley. That's right, the King himself covered the song in 1972 and it became a hit once again.

3. Ah, the age-old question - did Elvis ever sing Snowbird? Yes, my friends, he most certainly did. And let me tell you, his version is just as delightful as Anne Murray's. But don't take my word for it, give it a listen and see for yourself.

4. And finally, is Snowbird a Christmas song? Well, that's up for debate. While some may argue that its wintery theme makes it a holiday classic, others would say it's simply a love song about two birds in the winter. So, I'll leave that one up to you to decide.

There you have it folks, everything you ever wanted to know about who sang Snowbird. I hope this has brought you some peace of mind and perhaps even a smile or two.