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Discovering the Musical Genius Behind 'Cherish': Who Sang this Timeless Classic?

Who Sang Cherish

Who Sang Cherish? Find out who sang this classic love song and learn more about its history and significance in pop music.

Who sang Cherish? Well, let me tell you, it wasn't the neighborhood cat who always seems to be meowing in tune with your favorite songs. No, no, no. It was a band that captured hearts and chart-topping success in the 1960s. But before we dive into their story, let's take a moment to appreciate the word cherish. It's like a warm hug for your ears. And if you're not careful, it might just make you break out into an impromptu serenade.

Now back to the band behind the iconic tune. The answer is none other than The Association. If you're not familiar with them, don't worry. You're not alone. But trust me, you've definitely heard their music before. They were a staple on the radio during a time when bell-bottoms and flower power were all the rage.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Before The Association could release Cherish, they had to go through the grueling process of finding the perfect song. And boy, did they have quite the journey. It involved multiple writers, a rejected demo, and a lot of trial and error.

It all started when the band's producer, Curt Boettcher, brought in a demo of a song called Morning by a relatively unknown artist named Terry Kirkman. The group fell in love with the track and asked Kirkman to write something specifically for them. And thus began the search for The Association's next big hit.

Kirkman went through multiple drafts before finally settling on a tune that he thought would work. But when he presented it to the band, they weren't too thrilled. In fact, they downright hated it. But Kirkman wasn't about to give up that easily. He went back to the drawing board and came up with a new melody that he thought would better suit the group's style.

This time, The Association was on board. They recorded the song, but something still wasn't quite right. It wasn't until Kirkman added in the now-iconic harpsichord riff that the band knew they had a hit on their hands.

And oh boy, did they ever. Cherish became the group's biggest hit to date, spending three weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1966. It was a song that resonated with people all over the world, and it's not hard to see why. With its catchy melody and heartfelt lyrics, Cherish is a timeless classic that still holds up today.

But The Association didn't stop there. They continued to release hit after hit, including Windy and Never My Love. They were a force to be reckoned with in the music industry, and their legacy lives on to this day.

So the next time you find yourself singing along to Cherish in the car or shower, remember the band behind the tune. The Association may not have had the longevity of some of their contemporaries, but they certainly left their mark on music history.

And as for the word cherish, well, let's just say it's not going anywhere anytime soon.

The Mystery of “Cherish”: Who Sang It?

“Cherish” is a timeless classic that has been beloved by generations of music fans. But despite the song’s popularity, there remains a mystery that has baffled music historians for years: who actually sang “Cherish”?

The Case of the Missing Singer

When “Cherish” was released in 1966, it was credited to a group called The Association. However, many fans and critics have long suspected that this was a cover-up, and that the true singer of the song remains unknown to this day.

Some have pointed to the fact that the lead singer of The Association, Russ Giguere, has denied being the vocalist on “Cherish”. Others have noted that the voice on the recording sounds different from Giguere’s other performances.

Theories and Speculation

So if not The Association, then who sang “Cherish”? There are a number of theories and rumors that have circulated over the years.

One popular theory is that the song was actually recorded by The Beach Boys, who were known to be friends and collaborators with The Association. Some fans claim that they can hear the distinctive harmonies of Brian Wilson and his bandmates in the background of the track.

Others have speculated that the true singer of “Cherish” was a session musician who was brought in by the producers of the song. This would explain why no one has ever come forward to claim credit for the performance.

The Voice of an Angel

Regardless of who sang it, there’s no denying that “Cherish” is a beautiful and haunting song that has touched the hearts of millions. The vocals are soft and angelic, with a sense of yearning and vulnerability that captures the essence of the lyrics.

Whether it was The Association, The Beach Boys, or some unknown session singer, the voice on “Cherish” is one that will be remembered for generations to come.

A Song for All Seasons

“Cherish” has become a timeless classic, and it’s not hard to see why. The melody is simple but memorable, with a gentle guitar riff that sets the mood for the entire song.

The lyrics, too, are timeless, speaking to the universal experience of falling in love and cherishing those precious moments with someone special. Whether you’re young or old, single or in a relationship, “Cherish” is a song that speaks to the heart.

The Legacy of “Cherish”

Over the years, “Cherish” has been covered by countless artists, from Madonna to The Four Tops. It has been used in movies, TV shows, and commercials, and has become a staple of pop culture.

But despite its ubiquity, the mystery of who sang “Cherish” remains unsolved. Perhaps it’s better that way. The anonymity of the singer only adds to the mystique and magic of the song, making it all the more enchanting and beloved.

The Power of Music

“Cherish” is just one example of the power of music to move and inspire us. Whether it’s a classic ballad or a modern pop hit, music has the ability to touch our souls and connect us with each other.

So the next time you hear “Cherish” on the radio or in a playlist, take a moment to appreciate the mystery and magic of this timeless classic. And remember that, no matter who sang it, the voice on the recording is one that will live on forever.

The Search Continues

Despite decades of speculation and investigation, the question of who sang “Cherish” remains unanswered. But perhaps that’s part of the appeal of the song – the fact that it remains shrouded in mystery and intrigue.

So let the search continue. Who knows? Maybe one day we’ll finally discover the true identity of the singer behind this haunting and beautiful masterpiece.

Until then, let’s all just sit back, relax, and cherish the music.

The Mystery Behind Cherish's Singer

Cherish: the song that made everyone wish they were a lounge singer. It's the ultimate karaoke challenge, and yet nobody knows who actually sang it. The mystery behind Cherish's singer has been a topic of discussion for decades. Was it a man? A woman? A group of aliens from outer space?

The One-Hit-Wonder That Nobody Remembers The Artist For

Let's face it, Cherish is a one-hit-wonder. It's the song that everyone knows, but nobody remembers the artist for. In fact, if you were to ask someone who sang Cherish, they would probably give you a blank stare and say, I don't know, but I love that song!

The Real MVPs of Cherish: The Backup Singers Who Carried The Song

While the identity of the lead singer remains a mystery, there is one thing we can all agree on: the backup singers were the real MVPs of Cherish. They carried the song with their soulful harmonies and smooth vocal runs. Without them, Cherish would have been just another forgettable tune from the 80s.

Encouraging Evidence That Professional Voice Lessons Aren't Always Necessary

The scandalous rumors of multiple artists claiming to have sung Cherish only add to the mystery. But here's the thing, whoever sang it didn't necessarily need professional voice lessons. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that anyone can sing Cherish – as long as they're willing to embarrass themselves in the shower.

The Terrifying Realization That Your Voice Will Never Sound Like The Cherish Singer, No Matter How Hard You Try

But let's be real, even if you do embarrass yourself in the shower attempting to sing Cherish, you'll never sound like the mysterious lead singer. It's a terrifying realization, but one that we must all come to terms with eventually.

The Embarrassing Moments Of Attempting To Sing Cherish In The Shower

Speaking of embarrassing moments, we've all been there – belting out Cherish in the shower, only to be interrupted by a family member or roommate who is less than impressed with our vocal abilities. But hey, at least we tried!

Who Really Thought They Could Hit Those High Notes?

And let's not forget about those high notes. Who really thought they could hit them? Certainly not me. But that doesn't stop us from trying, does it?

The Scandalous Rumors Of Multiple Artists Claiming To Have Sung Cherish

So, who really sang Cherish? There have been scandalous rumors over the years of multiple artists claiming to have recorded the vocals. Some say it was a session singer who was never credited, while others believe it was a member of the band who didn't want to be associated with the song. Whatever the case may be, the mystery remains unsolved.

In conclusion, the mystery behind Cherish's singer may never be solved. But one thing is for sure – the song will live on as a karaoke classic and a reminder of the 80s. So go ahead, embarrass yourself in the shower and attempt those high notes. Just don't expect to sound like the mysterious lead singer.

The Tale of Who Sang Cherish

The Song and its Origins

Cherish, a classic love song that has been covered by numerous artists over the years, was first released by The Association in 1966. It quickly became a hit, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

The song's catchy melody and romantic lyrics have made it a popular choice for weddings and romantic occasions, and it has been covered by artists such as Madonna, David Cassidy, and The Four Tops.

The Search for the True Singer

Despite its popularity, there has been some debate over the years about who actually sang the lead vocals on the original recording of Cherish by The Association.

Some have claimed that it was Russ Giguere, one of the band's founding members, while others believe that it was Terry Kirkman, another member of the group.

Despite the controversy, one thing is clear – whoever sang the lead vocals on Cherish did an incredible job, and their performance has stood the test of time.

A Humorous Take on the Mystery Singer

As a lover of music and humor, I can't help but find the debate over who sang Cherish to be absolutely hilarious.

It's like a real-life game of Clue – was it Russ Giguere in the studio with the microphone, or Terry Kirkman in the control room with the soundboard?

I imagine the two of them sitting around a campfire, arguing over who gets credit for the song's success, while the rest of the band rolls their eyes and tries to enjoy their marshmallows.

Table of Keywords

Keyword Definition
Cherish A classic love song first released by The Association in 1966
The Association An American rock band that formed in California in the 1960s
Russ Giguere One of the founding members of The Association
Terry Kirkman Another member of The Association
Madonna An iconic pop singer who covered Cherish in 1989
David Cassidy An American actor and musician who covered Cherish in 1971
The Four Tops An American vocal quartet who covered Cherish in 1967

In conclusion, the mystery of who sang Cherish may never be fully solved, but that doesn't stop us from enjoying the song and its timeless message of love and devotion.

Thanks for Sticking Around, Folks!

Well, well, well. You made it to the end of this blog post. Congratulations! Now, before we part ways, let's talk about something important: Who Sang Cherish?

As you may have guessed, the answer is... drumroll please... The Association! Yes, that's right, this iconic love song was brought to us by the American pop rock band in 1966. But wait, there's more to this story than just a simple answer.

Let's dive deeper into the history of this classic tune, shall we? It all started with the songwriters Terry Kirkman and Bruce Brown, who originally wrote Cherish as an instrumental piece. However, they soon realized that the melody was too beautiful to be left untouched, and so they added lyrics to it.

Now, here's where things get interesting. According to Kirkman, the lyrics were inspired by a girl he met at a party who he thought was absolutely gorgeous. He didn't even know her name, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. So, he wrote the song as a tribute to her.

But, as fate would have it, the song became a massive hit and made The Association a household name. Suddenly, everyone was singing along to Cherish and dedicating it to their own loved ones.

Of course, with such a popular song comes a fair share of covers and renditions. Over the years, many artists have put their own spin on Cherish, from David Cassidy to Madonna to The Beach Boys. But, in our humble opinion, nothing quite compares to the original.

So, there you have it, folks. The answer to the burning question that brought you to this blog post. We hope you enjoyed reading about the history of Cherish and learning a little bit more about The Association.

Before we go, we just want to say thank you for sticking around till the end. We know there are plenty of distractions out there, but we're glad you chose to spend a few minutes with us. And who knows, maybe you'll find yourself humming Cherish for the rest of the day. We won't judge.

Until next time, keep on cherishing those special people in your life. And don't forget to come back for more fun facts and trivia!

Who Sang Cherish?

People Also Ask About It

Q: Who sang the song Cherish?

A: The song Cherish was originally performed by the band, The Association. It was released in 1966 and became a big hit.

Q: Is Cherish a love song?

A: Yes, Cherish is a love song that talks about how much the singer loves and cherishes their significant other.

Q: Was Cherish covered by any other artists?

A: Yes, there have been several cover versions of Cherish over the years. Madonna covered the song in 1989 and it became a hit all over again.

Answering People Also Ask using Humorous Voice and Tone

Q: Who sang the song Cherish?

A: It wasn't me, I can tell you that much. The original version was performed by The Association way back in 1966.

Q: Is Cherish a love song?

A: Of course it's a love song! It's not a song about how much the singer cherishes their favorite sandwich, although that would be a pretty catchy tune too.

Q: Was Cherish covered by any other artists?

A: Yes, Madonna covered the song in 1989 and made it her own. It's like the song went from being a classic love ballad to a funky dance anthem overnight. #MadonnaMagic

In Summary:

  • The Association sang the original version of Cherish in 1966.
  • Cherish is a love song that has been covered by Madonna and other artists over the years.
  • Just imagine if Cherish was about sandwiches instead of love. That would be a whole different ballgame.