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Top 5 Champions That Effectively Counter Sivir in League of Legends

Who Counters Sivir

Wondering who's the best champion to counter Sivir in League of Legends? Check out our guide for tips and strategies!

Are you tired of constantly losing to Sivir in League of Legends? Well, fear not my friend, for I am here to share with you the ultimate guide on who counters Sivir. This champion may seem unbeatable in the hands of a skilled player, but with the right tactics and picks, taking down this boomerang-throwing beauty will be a piece of cake.

Firstly, let's talk about the most obvious counter to Sivir: Jinx. This rocket-launching marksman has the range and damage output to take down Sivir before she even has a chance to react. Plus, her passive allows her to gain movement speed whenever she kills an enemy champion or tower, making it easy for her to chase after Sivir and finish her off.

Another great pick against Sivir is Caitlyn. With her long-range abilities and traps, Caitlyn can easily poke at Sivir from afar and prevent her from engaging in fights. Plus, her ultimate ability can deal massive damage to Sivir, especially when used from a safe distance.

But what if you're not much of a marksman player? Well, fear not my friend, for there are still other champions that can counter Sivir. For example, Malzahar's ultimate ability can suppress Sivir and prevent her from using her spell shield, leaving her vulnerable to your team's attacks. Just make sure to time your ultimate correctly and coordinate with your team to ensure a successful takedown.

If you're looking for a tanky option to counter Sivir, then look no further than Maokai. This tree-like champion has the crowd control and sustain to outlast Sivir in a fight, while also dealing significant damage with his abilities. Plus, his ultimate ability can provide your team with a powerful shield, making it easier to survive Sivir's burst damage.

Now, let's talk about some unconventional picks that can catch Sivir off guard. One such pick is Fiddlesticks. With his fear ability and silence, Fiddlesticks can prevent Sivir from using her abilities and escape tools, making her an easy target for your team to take down. Plus, his ultimate ability can deal massive area-of-effect damage, which can be devastating to Sivir and her team.

Another surprising pick against Sivir is Swain. This bird-like mage has the sustain and crowd control to outlast and outsmart Sivir in fights. Plus, his ultimate ability can heal him while dealing damage to nearby enemies, making it difficult for Sivir to take him down on her own.

But what about Sivir's spell shield? Isn't that supposed to counter most abilities thrown at her? Well, yes and no. While Sivir's spell shield can block most single-target abilities, it's not as effective against area-of-effect abilities or abilities that have multiple hits. That's why champions like Lux, Syndra, and Anivia can be great picks against Sivir, as their abilities can deal significant damage even if Sivir manages to block one or two of them.

Of course, no guide on who counters Sivir would be complete without mentioning the queen of mid lane herself: Ahri. With her mobility, crowd control, and burst damage, Ahri can easily take down Sivir before she has a chance to react. Plus, her ultimate ability allows her to escape from sticky situations or chase after fleeing enemies, making her a versatile pick in any team composition.

In conclusion, there are many champions that can counter Sivir in various ways. Whether you prefer playing marksmen, mages, or tanks, there's a champion out there that can help you take down this boomerang-wielding beauty. So next time you see Sivir on the enemy team, don't panic. Just pick one of these champions, coordinate with your team, and watch as Sivir falls to your might.

The Great Sivir Counter Debate

Sivir, the Battle Mistress, is a force to be reckoned with on the Summoner's Rift. Her ability to shred through minions, towers, and enemies alike has made her a popular pick in both solo queue and professional play. But what happens when you find yourself facing the Queen of the Arena? Fear not, for there are champions out there who can counter Sivir's abilities and bring her to her knees.

Caitlyn - The Sharpshooter

Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover, is a natural counter to Sivir's kit. Her long range abilities and trap placement make it difficult for Sivir to engage without taking substantial damage. Caitlyn's Q ability, Piltover Peacemaker, can poke at Sivir from afar and deal significant damage, while her W ability, Yordle Snap Trap, can root Sivir in place and allow Caitlyn to land a few free hits. Additionally, Caitlyn's ultimate ability, Ace in the Hole, can snipe Sivir from across the map, making it difficult for the Battle Mistress to escape.

Draven - The Glorious Executioner

Draven, the Glorious Executioner, is another champion who can give Sivir a run for her money. His high damage output and ability to catch axes mid-flight make it difficult for Sivir to avoid his attacks. Draven's Q ability, Spinning Axe, deals massive amounts of damage when caught, and can quickly wear down Sivir's health bar. His E ability, Stand Aside, can also interrupt Sivir's ultimate ability, On the Hunt, and prevent her from engaging or disengaging.

Jhin - The Virtuoso

Jhin, the Virtuoso, is a marksman who can out-damage Sivir and poke her from afar. His Q ability, Dancing Grenade, can bounce between minions and deal significant damage to Sivir if she gets too close. Jhin's W ability, Deadly Flourish, can root Sivir in place and allow him to land a few free hits. Additionally, Jhin's ultimate ability, Curtain Call, can be used to snipe Sivir from across the map, making it difficult for her to escape.

Ashe - The Frost Archer

Ashe, the Frost Archer, is a utility marksman who can slow down Sivir's movements and make her an easy target for her team. Ashe's W ability, Volley, can hit multiple targets and slow them down, making it difficult for Sivir to dodge attacks or engage. Her ultimate ability, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, can stun Sivir from afar and allow Ashe and her team to close in for the kill. Additionally, Ashe's passive ability, Focus, allows her to deal extra damage to slowed targets, making Sivir an easy target for her frosty arrows.

Ezreal - The Prodigal Explorer

Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer, is a poke-based marksman who can stay safely out of Sivir's range while dealing damage. His Q ability, Mystic Shot, can hit Sivir from afar and deal significant damage, while his W ability, Essence Flux, can buff his allies and debuff his enemies. Ezreal's E ability, Arcane Shift, also allows him to quickly reposition and avoid Sivir's attacks. Additionally, Ezreal's ultimate ability, Trueshot Barrage, can be used to snipe Sivir from across the map, making it difficult for her to escape.

Jinx - The Loose Cannon

Jinx, the Loose Cannon, is a hypercarry marksman who can out-damage Sivir in the late game. Her Q ability, Switcheroo!, allows her to switch between minigun and rocket launcher forms, dealing different types of damage to enemies. Jinx's W ability, Zap!, can also slow down Sivir and make her an easy target for Jinx's auto-attacks. Additionally, Jinx's ultimate ability, Super Mega Death Rocket!, can be used to snipe Sivir from across the map, making it difficult for her to escape.

Vayne - The Night Hunter

Vayne, the Night Hunter, is a marksman who can shred through tanks and deal significant damage to Sivir. Her Silver Bolts passive ability allows her to deal true damage to enemies after three auto-attacks, making it difficult for Sivir to build up her Spell Shield. Vayne's Q ability, Tumble, also allows her to quickly reposition and avoid Sivir's attacks. Additionally, Vayne's ultimate ability, Final Hour, can buff her damage and movement speed, allowing her to chase down or escape from Sivir.

The Great Debate

Of course, there are many other champions who could potentially counter Sivir's abilities and bring her to her knees. Some players might argue that champions like Lucian, Varus, or Twitch could also counter Sivir effectively. Others might argue that Sivir is simply too versatile and powerful to have any true counters. Regardless of where you stand on the great Sivir counter debate, one thing is certain: when facing the Battle Mistress on the Rift, it pays to have a few tricks up your sleeve.

The Bottom Line

Sivir may be a formidable force on the Rift, but she is far from unbeatable. Champions like Caitlyn, Draven, Jhin, Ashe, Ezreal, Jinx, and Vayne can all counter her abilities and make her an easy target for their team. Whether through long range abilities, poke damage, or movement speed buffs, these champions all have something that makes them a natural counter to Sivir's kit. So the next time you find yourself facing the Queen of the Arena, don't be afraid to pick one of these champions and show Sivir who's boss.

Sivir might be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, but there are certain champions that she just can't handle. Let's take a look at some of her worst nightmares, shall we? First up, we have the Flying Monkeys. Did you ever hear of the Wizard of Oz? Well, Sivir's worst nightmare would be to come face to face with those flying monkeys. No wonder she's terrified of the skies! Next, we have the Energizer Bunny. Ever heard of the unstoppable force meets immovable object? Meet Sivir and the Energizer Bunny. Not only can he run longer, but he can probably also exit her ultimate with ease. Moving on to the Road Runner. Meep Meep! Sivir may be able to block projectiles, but the Road Runner is so fast she'll never even see him coming. Cue the Benny Hill theme! Bugs Bunny is another champion that Sivir should watch out for. What's up, Doc? Sivir is no match for Bugs Bunny's witty banter and sneakiness. He's so crafty, he might even convince her to take her spellshield off! The Wile E. Coyote is a persistent foe that Sivir should beware of. It's gonna be a bumpy ride, Sivir! This coyote is not only persistent, but he's also got an endless supply of gadgets and schemes. Good luck spellshielding your way out of that one! The Flash is downright superhuman. He could run circles around her and still have time to save the world before lunchtime. Sivir may feel invincible when it's just her and her boomerang, but she should beware of an entire family of superheroes - The Incredibles. Between Mr. Incredible's strength, Elastigirl's flexibility, and Jack-Jack's fireball, Sivir is no match. Who needs lethal weapons when you have an army of yellow, bumbling minions? Sivir's fate is sealed when these little guys start swarming her like an angry beehive. Finally, we have Hansel and Gretel. What do you get when you combine brotherly teamwork, a trail of breadcrumbs, and a gingerbread witch? A recipe for disaster for Sivir! So there you have it - some of Sivir's worst enemies. She might be a tough cookie, but these champions are tougher.

The Unlucky Journey of Sivir: A Humorous Tale of Counters

Who Counters Sivir?

As a seasoned adventurer, Sivir had faced countless foes on the battlefield. She had fought against fierce dragons, treacherous pirates, and even the dreaded Baron Nashor. But little did she know that her greatest enemy was lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike when she least expected it. Who was this mysterious foe, you ask? None other than her very own counters!

Yes, you heard it right. Sivir's biggest nemesis wasn't some powerful monster or evil sorcerer, but rather a group of champions who had the power to turn her strengths into weaknesses. So, who were these infamous counters, you might wonder? Let's take a look:

1. Caitlyn

First on our list is the Sheriff of Piltover herself, Caitlyn. With her long-range attacks and deadly traps, Caitlyn can easily poke down Sivir from a safe distance and prevent her from getting close enough to deal any damage. Plus, her ultimate ability can lock onto Sivir from across the map, dealing massive damage and potentially securing a kill.

2. Draven

Next up is the Glorious Executioner, Draven. Known for his flashy style and incredible damage output, Draven can quickly shred through Sivir's health with his spinning axes and ultimate ability. Plus, he can catch her off-guard with his E ability, which can knock her aside and interrupt her spellcasting.

3. Vayne

Finally, we have the Night Hunter herself, Vayne. As a champion who excels at taking down high-priority targets, Vayne can quickly melt through Sivir's health with her silver bolts and ultimate ability. Plus, her Q ability allows her to tumble around the battlefield and dodge Sivir's attacks with ease.

So, there you have it. These three champions are Sivir's biggest counters, and they can give her a run for her money if she's not careful.

The Unfortunate Tale of Sivir

But what happens when Sivir actually faces off against these counters? Well, let's just say that things don't always go according to plan.

One day, Sivir found herself facing off against a particularly skilled Caitlyn in the bottom lane. Despite her best efforts to dodge Caitlyn's attacks and farm up some minions, Sivir was quickly pushed back to her tower and forced to play defensively.

This is ridiculous, Sivir muttered to herself as she watched Caitlyn poke her down from a distance. I can't even get close to her without taking massive damage.

Just then, Sivir noticed a glint in Caitlyn's eye as she aimed her rifle at her. With lightning-fast reflexes, Sivir cast her spell shield and braced herself for impact.

Ha! Nice try! Sivir exclaimed as Caitlyn's bullet bounced harmlessly off her shield. You'll have to do better than that to take me down!

But little did Sivir know that Draven had been lurking in the bushes nearby, waiting for his chance to strike. With a wicked grin on his face, he spun his axes and charged toward Sivir, ready to unleash his full potential.

Oh no, Sivir gasped as she saw Draven coming toward her. This can't be good.

Despite her best efforts to dodge and weave, Sivir was quickly overwhelmed by Draven's relentless assault. She tried to fight back with her boomerang blade, but it was no use. Draven was simply too strong.

You may have bested me today, Draven, Sivir said as she lay defeated on the ground. But mark my words, I'll be back. And next time, I won't go down without a fight.

And so, Sivir retreated back to base, nursing her wounds and plotting her revenge against her dreaded counters. Will she be able to overcome them and emerge victorious? Only time will tell.

Table of Keywords

Keyword Meaning
Sivir A champion in the game League of Legends who specializes in dealing damage with her boomerang blade and spell shield.
Counters Champions who have the ability to negate or counteract Sivir's strengths in the game.
Caitlyn A champion in the game League of Legends who specializes in long-range attacks and traps.
Draven A champion in the game League of Legends who is known for his flashy style and high damage output.
Vayne A champion in the game League of Legends who excels at taking down high-priority targets and has a Q ability that allows her to tumble around the battlefield.

Farewell Fellow Summoners: Who Counters Sivir

Well well well, it's time to say goodbye to all you lovely summoners out there. We've had a great time discussing who counters Sivir and I hope you've learned a thing or two. But before we part ways, let's take a moment to reflect on what we've covered and poke some fun at this champion. After all, we can't take ourselves too seriously in the world of League of Legends.

So, who counters Sivir? We've gone over a few options, from the obvious to the not-so-obvious. Champions like Draven, Caitlyn, and Jhin can all make Sivir's life difficult in the laning phase. But let's be real, we all know that Sivir's spell shield is one of the most annoying abilities in the game. So, we had to get a little creative with our counter picks.

We talked about champions like Ziggs and Vel'Koz, who can poke Sivir down from a distance and make it difficult for her to engage. And then there's Yasuo, who can wind wall Sivir's boomerang blade and completely nullify her damage. But let's be honest, if someone picks Yasuo just to counter Sivir, they're probably not a very good Yasuo player.

Now, I know what you're thinking. But wait, what about all the other champions in the game? Surely there are more counters to Sivir than just these few. And you're right, there are. But let's face it, if you're picking a champion just to counter Sivir, you're doing it wrong. Instead, focus on playing champions that you enjoy and that fit your playstyle. You'll have a much better time that way, trust me.

But let's not forget about Sivir herself. I mean, she's not exactly the most exciting champion to play, is she? I mean, her ultimate is literally just a movement speed boost. Woo hoo, how thrilling. And don't even get me started on her boomerang blade. Sure, it does a decent amount of damage, but it's so slow and predictable that any halfway decent player can dodge it with ease.

And let's talk about Sivir's skins for a second. I mean, really Riot? Pizza delivery Sivir? Snowstorm Sivir? What's next, Taco Bell Sivir? I mean, I know we all love our fast food, but come on. Can we get some skins that actually look cool and aren't just a silly gimmick?

Okay, okay, I'm done ragging on Sivir. She's not a terrible champion by any means, and I'm sure there are plenty of players out there who enjoy playing her. But let's be real, she's not exactly the most exciting or flashy champion in the game.

So, my fellow summoners, it's time to bid you adieu. I hope you've enjoyed this little journey through the world of Sivir counters. Remember, don't take things too seriously in League of Legends. It's just a game, after all. And who knows, maybe one day we'll get that Taco Bell Sivir skin we've all been dreaming of.

Until next time, happy summoning!

Who Counters Sivir?


Sivir is a popular champion in the game of League of Legends. She has the ability to deal massive damage to enemy champions while also providing utility to her team. However, every champion has their weaknesses and Sivir is no exception. In this article, we will be discussing who counters Sivir and how you can use this knowledge to your advantage in the game.

Champions that Counter Sivir

1. Caitlyn - Caitlyn is a long-range champion that can poke Sivir down from a distance. Her traps also make it difficult for Sivir to move around freely during team fights.

2. Draven - Draven is a powerful early game champion that can easily win trades against Sivir. His damage output is also higher than Sivir's, making it difficult for her to fight back.

3. Jinx - Jinx is another champion with long-range abilities that can poke Sivir down. Her ultimate ability can also deal massive damage to Sivir from afar.

4. Lucian - Lucian is a mobile champion that can dodge Sivir's abilities and outmaneuver her in team fights. His burst damage can also quickly take down Sivir's health.

5. Vayne - Vayne is a late-game hyper carry that can easily shred through Sivir's health with her true damage ability. Her mobility also makes it difficult for Sivir to land her boomerang blade ability.


Knowing who counters Sivir is important in the game of League of Legends. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each champion, you can make better decisions during champion select and in-game. So, the next time you see a Sivir on the enemy team, consider picking one of these champions and giving them a hard time. Happy gaming!