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Top Champions to Counter Gnar in League of Legends - Expert Tips and Strategies

Who Counters Gnar

Wondering who counters Gnar? Check out our guide for tips on which champions can shut down this yordle's top lane dominance.

Are you tired of being bullied by Gnar in your matches? Do you want to put an end to his annoying boomerang throws and boulder tosses? Well, fear not my friend, for I have compiled a list of champions that can counter the little yordle's shenanigans and make him regret ever stepping foot on the Rift.

First on our list is none other than Renekton. This crocodile knows how to deal with pesky little creatures like Gnar. With his stun and gap-closing abilities, Renekton can easily catch Gnar off guard and deal massive damage before he even has a chance to transform. Plus, let's be real here, who wouldn't want to see a giant crocodile chomping on a tiny yordle?

Next up is Darius. This Noxian executioner doesn't mess around when it comes to taking down his enemies. With his bleed effect and ultimate ability that deals true damage, Gnar won't stand a chance against this powerhouse champion. Plus, imagine the satisfaction of dunking on Gnar with Darius' iconic ultimate.

But wait, there's more! If you're looking for a ranged option, Caitlyn is the way to go. With her long-range attacks and traps, she can easily poke at Gnar from a safe distance and immobilize him when he tries to get too close. And let's not forget about her ultimate ability that can snipe Gnar from across the map.

Of course, we can't forget about the support champions that can make Gnar's life a living nightmare. One such champion is Morgana. With her root and shield abilities, she can easily protect her allies from Gnar's attacks while also setting up kills for her team. Plus, her ultimate that stuns enemies in an area is the perfect way to catch Gnar off guard and lock him down.

Another support option is Thresh. This undead chain-wielder can hook Gnar from a distance and bring him right into the waiting arms of his teammates. And if Gnar tries to escape, Thresh can use his flay ability to keep him in place and set up even more kills for his team.

But what about the mages out there? Fear not, for champions like Syndra can easily take down Gnar with their powerful abilities. With her stun and ultimate that can throw multiple objects at once, Syndra can burst down Gnar before he even has a chance to react.

And last but not least, we have Yasuo. Wait, what? That's right, Yasuo can actually counter Gnar pretty well thanks to his wind wall ability that can block Gnar's boomerang and boulder tosses. Plus, his mobility allows him to dodge Gnar's attacks and get in close for some serious damage.

In conclusion, there are plenty of champions out there that can counter Gnar and make him regret ever picking that little yordle. Whether you prefer melee or ranged, tanky or squishy, there's a champion out there that can put an end to Gnar's shenanigans. So next time you see that little guy in your match, don't panic, just pick one of these champions and show him who's boss.


Gnar is a cute, cuddly yordle who can turn into a giant, raging beast in an instant. He's an AD top laner who can be a nightmare to deal with if played correctly. But fear not, my fellow summoners, for there are champions out there who can make Gnar's life miserable. In this article, we'll talk about the champions who counter Gnar and how to use them effectively.

The Bane of Gnar's Existence: Darius

Darius is a juggernaut who can easily bully Gnar out of lane. His Q, Decimate, can hit Gnar even when he's in his mini form, and his W, Crippling Strike, can slow him down and reduce his attack speed. If Gnar tries to engage, Darius can pull him in with his E, Apprehend, and punish him with his ultimate, Noxian Guillotine. The key to playing Darius against Gnar is to be aggressive early on and deny him farm. Once you hit level 6, you can pretty much kill him with one combo. Just be careful of his boomerang and try to dodge it as much as possible.

The Unstoppable Force: Renekton

Renekton is another champion who can make Gnar's life miserable. He's a lane bully who can easily dive on Gnar and destroy him with his Q, Cull the Meek, and W, Ruthless Predator. Renekton's ultimate, Dominus, gives him extra health and damage, making him almost impossible to 1v1. The key to playing Renekton against Gnar is to be aggressive early on and deny him farm. Once you hit level 6, you can pretty much kill him with one combo. Just be careful of his boomerang and try to dodge it as much as possible.

The Master of Shadows: Zed

Zed is an assassin who can easily burst down Gnar if he gets too close. His Q, Razor Shuriken, can poke Gnar from a distance, and his W, Living Shadow, can allow him to reposition and surprise Gnar with his ultimate, Death Mark. If Gnar tries to engage, Zed can simply use his ultimate to dodge his abilities and kill him. The key to playing Zed against Gnar is to be patient and wait for the right moment to strike. Try to poke him down with your Q and W, and wait for him to use his hop before using your ultimate.

The Mad Scientist: Singed

Singed is a troll champion who can easily kite and harass Gnar out of lane. His Q, Poison Trail, can damage Gnar even when he's in his mini form, and his W, Mega Adhesive, can slow him down and prevent him from escaping. Singed's ultimate, Insanity Potion, gives him extra health and movement speed, making him almost impossible to catch. The key to playing Singed against Gnar is to be annoying and constantly poke him with your Q. Try to bait him into using his hop and then use your W to slow him down. Once he's slowed, you can easily flip him with your E and kill him with your poison.

The Undead Nightmare: Mordekaiser

Mordekaiser is a tanky mage who can easily shrug off Gnar's damage and harass him with his abilities. His Q, Mace of Spades, can deal massive damage to Gnar when he's in his mini form, and his E, Siphon of Destruction, can poke him from a distance. Mordekaiser's ultimate, Children of the Grave, can turn Gnar into a ghost and make him fight for the enemy team. The key to playing Mordekaiser against Gnar is to be patient and wait for him to engage. Once he hops in, use your E to slow him down and then unleash your abilities. If he tries to run away, use your ultimate to keep him in place and finish him off.

The King of the Jungle: Udyr

Udyr is a bruiser who can easily outduel Gnar in both his mini and mega forms. His Q, Tiger Stance, can deal massive damage to Gnar when he's in his mini form, and his E, Bear Stance, can stun him and prevent him from escaping. Udyr's ultimate, Phoenix Stance, can deal AOE damage and burn Gnar over time. The key to playing Udyr against Gnar is to be aggressive and constantly harass him with your abilities. Try to bait him into using his hop and then stun him with your E. Once he's stunned, you can unleash your abilities and kill him quickly.

The Queen of Pain: Akali

Akali is an assassin who can easily burst down Gnar if he gets too close. Her Q, Five Point Strike, can poke Gnar from a distance, and her W, Twilight Shroud, can allow her to reposition and escape. Akali's ultimate, Perfect Execution, can allow her to dash in and out of combat and deal massive damage. The key to playing Akali against Gnar is to be patient and wait for the right moment to strike. Try to poke him down with your Q and W, and wait for him to use his hop before using your ultimate.

The Master of Elements: Ryze

Ryze is a mage who can easily harass Gnar out of lane with his abilities. His Q, Overload, can poke Gnar from a distance, and his E, Spell Flux, can bounce between minions and hit Gnar multiple times. Ryze's ultimate, Realm Warp, can allow him to teleport around the map and surprise Gnar from unexpected angles. The key to playing Ryze against Gnar is to constantly poke him with your Q and E. Try to bait him into using his hop and then unleash your abilities. Once he's low enough, you can use your ultimate to finish him off or escape if things get hairy.

The Dark Sovereign: Swain

Swain is a mage who can easily outduel Gnar in both his mini and mega forms. His Q, Death's Hand, can deal massive damage to Gnar when he's in his mini form, and his E, Nevermove, can root him in place and prevent him from escaping. Swain's ultimate, Ravenous Flock, can heal him and deal AOE damage over time. The key to playing Swain against Gnar is to be aggressive and constantly harass him with your abilities. Try to bait him into using his hop and then root him with your E. Once he's rooted, you can unleash your abilities and kill him quickly.


In conclusion, there are plenty of champions out there who can make Gnar's life miserable. Whether you prefer to play tanks, mages, assassins, or bruisers, there's a champion out there who can counter Gnar effectively. Just remember to be patient, be aggressive, and always watch out for his boomerang. Happy hunting, summoners!

Gnar may be an adorable little yordle, but that doesn't mean he can't pack a punch. Luckily, there are plenty of champions in the League of Legends who can take him down a notch or two. Here are some of the best counters to Gnar, also known as the Yordle Slayer...

The Yordle Slayer


Teemo's tiny size and speed allow him to outmaneuver Gnar's attacks and deliver a flurry of lethal blows. Plus, his mushrooms can slow down Gnar's movements and deal extra damage. Just be sure to watch out for Gnar's boomerang tosses and mega form, as they can still pack a punch even against Teemo's quickness.

The Spider Queen


Elise's spider form boasts superior mobility, allowing her to dodge Gnar's boomerang tosses and leaping attacks. Plus, her spiderlings can distract Gnar and deal extra damage. Just be sure to watch out for Gnar's stuns and slows, as they can leave Elise vulnerable to attack.

The Pikachu Pummeler


With her quick strikes and electrifying abilities, Kennen is able to keep Gnar at bay and zap him into submission. Her lightning rush can also help her escape from Gnar's clutches. Just be sure to watch out for Gnar's mega form, as it can still deal significant damage even through Kennen's electrical charges.

The Salty Seabear


Gragas may be a bit on the larger side, but his drunken antics and barrel throws can easily take down Gnar in a hilarious display of brute force. Plus, his belly slam can stun Gnar and leave him vulnerable to attack. Just be sure to watch out for Gnar's jumps and boomerang tosses, as they can still deal significant damage even to Gragas' ample girth.

The Undead Assassin


With her deadly precision and spooky shadow abilities, Evelynn can sneak up on Gnar and take him out before he even knows what hit him. Her hate spikes can also deal extra damage and slow down Gnar's movements. Just be sure to watch out for Gnar's mega form, as it can still deal significant damage even to Evelynn's stealthy techniques.

The Frost Queen


As a master of ice magic and sneaky assassination tactics, Leblanc's frosty traps and clones can easily confound and defeat Gnar. Her ethereal chains can also root Gnar in place and leave him vulnerable to attack. Just be sure to watch out for Gnar's boomerang tosses and mega form, as they can still deal significant damage even to Leblanc's icy spells.

The Mighty Mummy


Hitting Gnar with a mummy's curse may seem a bit underhanded, but with Amumu's debilitating crowd control and devastating ult, Gnar won't know what hit him. His bandage toss can also stun Gnar and leave him vulnerable to attack. Just be sure to watch out for Gnar's jumps and boomerang tosses, as they can still deal significant damage even to Amumu's mummified form.

The Bird Bombardier


Anivia may float a bit too slowly to avoid Gnar's frenzied leaps, but her powerful magical blasts and walling abilities can keep him at bay and whittle down his health. Her frostbite can also deal extra damage to Gnar when he's slowed down by her spells. Just be sure to watch out for Gnar's boomerang tosses and mega form, as they can still deal significant damage even to Anivia's icy powers.

The Swamp Monster


Hitting Gnar with a slimy tongue lash or snatching him up in a deadly bear hug are just a few of the many ways that Cho'Gath can put the hurt on him. His vorpal spikes can also deal extra damage and slow down Gnar's movements. Just be sure to watch out for Gnar's jumps and boomerang tosses, as they can still deal significant damage even to Cho'Gath's massive form.

The Daring Demoness


With her fiery powers, devilish grin, and deadly burst damage, Ahri can charm, dazzle, and annihilate Gnar with ease. Just watch out for those surprise boomerangs! Her fox-fire and spirit rush can also deal extra damage and help her escape from Gnar's attacks. Just be sure to watch out for Gnar's stuns and slows, as they can leave Ahri vulnerable to attack.So there you have it, folks. The top ten counters to Gnar, also known as the Yordle Slayer. Whether you prefer speed and agility, brute force and barrel tossing, or sneaky assassination tactics, there's a champion out there for you. So go forth and take down that little yordle!

Who Counters Gnar?

The Tale of Gnar's Foes

Once upon a time, in the world of League of Legends, there was a little yordle named Gnar. He was cute, he was furry, and he had the power to transform into a giant, angry beast. But despite his fearsome appearance, Gnar had some weaknesses that certain champions could exploit to take him down.

The Counters of Gnar

1. Darius

  • Darius is a melee champion who can get up close and personal with Gnar, ignoring his boomerang and boulder throws.
  • He can also pull Gnar in with his E ability, preventing him from hopping away.
  • And if Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar, Darius can use his ultimate to deal massive true damage and execute him.

2. Fiora

  • Fiora is another melee champion who can dodge Gnar's abilities with her Q and Riposte.
  • She can also out-duel Gnar with her superior mobility and damage output.
  • And if Gnar tries to escape, Fiora can chase him down with her ultimate and finish him off.

3. Jayce

  • Jayce is a ranged champion who can poke Gnar down with his Q and W abilities.
  • He can also knock Gnar away with his E ability, preventing him from engaging or escaping.
  • And if Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar, Jayce can switch to his hammer form and knock him up with his Q-E combo, leaving him vulnerable to further damage.

4. Nasus

  • Nasus is a tanky champion who can sustain through Gnar's poke and harass.
  • He can also slow Gnar with his W ability, making it easier for him to land his Q and deal damage.
  • And if Gnar tries to escape, Nasus can use his ultimate to boost his movement speed and chase him down.

5. Renekton

  • Renekton is a melee champion who can match Gnar's early game aggression and out-sustain him in the laning phase.
  • He can also stun Gnar with his W ability, preventing him from hopping away or transforming into Mega Gnar.
  • And if Gnar tries to engage, Renekton can use his ultimate to gain extra health and damage, making it difficult for Gnar to win the fight.

As you can see, there are many champions who can counter Gnar and make his life miserable. But don't worry, little yordle - there are also ways to outplay your opponents and come out on top. Just remember to stay nimble, stay angry, and never let anyone underestimate your power.

Goodbye, Gnar!

Well, well, well, looks like we've come to the end of our journey. I hope you've enjoyed reading about who counters Gnar as much as I've enjoyed writing it. But before you go, let me leave you with some final thoughts on the topic.

Firstly, let's just say that Gnar is a tough cookie to crack. He's got some serious skills and can be quite a challenge to take down. But fear not, my dear readers, for there are champions out there who can counter him with ease.

One of the most effective ways to counter Gnar is by playing a tanky top laner. Think champions like Maokai, Malphite, or even Shen. These beefy bruisers can soak up all of Gnar's damage and dish it back out with ease. Plus, their crowd control abilities make it hard for Gnar to escape once he's caught in their grasp.

If you're feeling particularly cheeky, you could also try playing a ranged champion like Teemo or Jayce. These champs can harass Gnar from afar and make it difficult for him to engage in a fight. Just be careful not to get too close to him, or he'll jump on you and send you flying.

Another effective counter to Gnar is playing a champion with strong sustain. Champions like Vladimir, Swain, or even Nasus can heal up any damage that Gnar manages to deal out and keep themselves in the fight for longer. This can be especially frustrating for Gnar, who relies on whittling down his opponents over time.

Of course, it's not just about the champions you pick. You also need to be aware of Gnar's strengths and weaknesses and play accordingly. For example, Gnar's range can be a real pain, so try to stay out of it as much as possible. And remember, Gnar's ultimate can be a game-changer, so watch out for it and be ready to dodge.

Ultimately, the key to countering Gnar is to stay calm and collected. Don't let his flashy abilities and cute little face distract you from the task at hand. With the right strategy and a bit of luck, you too can take down this yordle menace.

So, as we say goodbye, I hope you've learned something new about who counters Gnar. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newbie to League of Legends, there's always something to discover in this ever-changing game. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one to discover the ultimate counter to Gnar and shake up the meta once and for all.

But until then, keep playing, keep learning, and most importantly, keep having fun. Because at the end of the day, that's what it's all about.

Goodbye, Gnar! It's been real.

Who Counters Gnar?

People Also Ask

As an AI language model, I have seen many gamers asking about Gnar's counters. Some of the frequently asked questions are:

1. Who is Gnar?

Gnar is a cute and cuddly yordle who transforms into a ferocious giant when he gets angry. He is a top-lane champion who can deal a lot of damage while being very tanky.

2. What are Gnar's weaknesses?

Gnar's biggest weakness is his rage bar, which fills up as he deals and takes damage. When it reaches 100%, he transforms into Mega Gnar, becoming stronger but losing his mobility and range. So, if you can keep him from getting angry, he will be much easier to deal with.

3. Who counters Gnar in lane?

There are several champs who can give Gnar a hard time in the top lane:

  • Darius: He can pull Gnar in with his E and deal a lot of damage with his Q. Gnar's range advantage won't help him much against this Noxian executioner.
  • Fiora: She can parry Gnar's boomerang and hop around him with her Q. Her true damage and sustain make her a nightmare for any tanky champ.
  • Jax: He can dodge Gnar's boomerang and stun him with his counter-strike. His passive also gives him bonus damage based on his attack speed, making him a great duelist.

4. Who counters Mega Gnar?

Mega Gnar is much stronger than mini Gnar, but he also has some weaknesses that can be exploited:

  1. Poppy: She can use her W to stop Mega Gnar from jumping around and knock him away with her E. Her passive also gives her bonus armor and MR, making her a tanky counter to Gnar's damage.
  2. Nasus: He can farm his Q on Mega Gnar's giant form and build up his stacks. His Wither also slows down Gnar's movement and attack speed, making him an easy target for the doggo's cane.
  3. Renekton: He can slice and dice through Mega Gnar's health bar and stun him with his W. His ultimate also gives him bonus health and damage, making him a formidable foe in any fight.

So, there you have it, folks! These are some of the champs who can give Gnar a hard time in the top lane. But remember, every game is different, and every player has their own playstyle. So, don't be afraid to experiment and find your own counters to this adorable yordle!