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Master Vladimir's Bane: Top Champions that Counter Vladimir in League of Legends

Who Counters Vladimir

Discover the champions that are most effective in countering Vladimir in League of Legends. Learn how to outplay this powerful mage and secure your victory!

Who counters Vladimir? Well, that's a question that's been on every League of Legends player's mind. Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper, is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. His ability to sustain himself and deal massive damage can make him an absolute nightmare to face. But fear not, my fellow summoners, for there are champions out there that can put a stop to Vladimir's shenanigans. Let's take a look at some of the champions that can give Vladimir a run for his money.

First up on the list is none other than the Ice Witch herself, Lissandra. This queen of ice may not be as flashy as some of the other champions out there, but don't underestimate her. Her ability to root enemies in place and dish out burst damage can catch Vladimir off guard. Plus, her ultimate can completely shut down Vladimir's ability to heal, which can turn the tide of a team fight in an instant.

Next, we have the one and only, Swain. This master tactician may not look like much, but his kit is perfectly designed to counter Vladimir. Swain's ability to drain health from enemies and turn it into his own makes him a formidable opponent for Vladimir to face. And if that wasn't enough, Swain's ultimate can turn him into a monstrous bird-man, giving him the extra edge he needs to take down the Crimson Reaper.

But wait, there's more! If you're looking for a champion that can completely shut down Vladimir's abilities, look no further than Kassadin. Kassadin's passive ability reduces magic damage, making Vladimir's attacks less effective. And if Vladimir tries to use his Sanguine Pool to escape, Kassadin can use his Null Sphere to silence him, leaving him vulnerable to a swift defeat.

Of course, there are other champions out there that can counter Vladimir, such as Mordekaiser and Malzahar. But the key to taking down the Crimson Reaper is to understand his abilities and playstyle. By knowing what to look out for and which champions to pick, you can turn Vladimir from a nightmare into a pushover.

So, there you have it, folks. Who counters Vladimir? Lissandra, Swain, Kassadin, and a handful of other champions. Don't let Vladimir's intimidating presence on the battlefield scare you off. With the right strategy and champion pick, you can take him down and come out on top.

The Dilemma of Countering Vladimir

Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper, is a formidable champion in League of Legends. He is known for his ability to sustain himself in lane and deal massive amounts of damage in team fights. However, players who face him often find themselves in a dilemma - how do you counter Vladimir? In this article, we will explore some of the champions that can give Vladimir a run for his money.

The Problem with Vladimir

Before we dive into the counters, it's important to understand what makes Vladimir so strong. His abilities allow him to sustain himself in lane, making it difficult for opponents to poke him down. Additionally, his ultimate ability can turn the tides of team fights by amplifying all damage dealt to his enemies. This combination of sustain and damage make Vladimir a tough opponent to deal with.

The Obvious Counter - Mordekaiser

Mordekaiser is often touted as the best counter to Vladimir. His passive ability allows him to gain a shield whenever he deals damage, which can help him sustain through Vladimir's damage. Additionally, Mordekaiser's ultimate ability can isolate Vladimir from his team, making him an easy target to take down.

The Unorthodox Counter - Fiddlesticks

Fiddlesticks may not be the first champion that comes to mind when you think of countering Vladimir, but hear me out. Fiddlesticks' ultimate ability can fear multiple enemies, including Vladimir. This can disrupt Vladimir's positioning in team fights, making it difficult for him to deal damage. Additionally, Fiddlesticks' silence ability can prevent Vladimir from using his abilities, further limiting his impact in fights.

The Tanky Counter - Maokai

Maokai may not be the flashiest champion, but he can certainly hold his own against Vladimir. His abilities allow him to sustain himself in lane and his ultimate ability can reduce incoming damage for himself and his team. Additionally, Maokai's crowd control abilities can disrupt Vladimir's positioning in fights.

The Burst Counter - LeBlanc

LeBlanc may seem like an odd choice to counter Vladimir, but her burst damage can quickly take him down. Her mobility also makes it difficult for Vladimir to land his abilities on her. Additionally, LeBlanc's passive ability can help her escape from sticky situations, making it difficult for Vladimir to catch her.

The Mobile Counter - Yasuo

Yasuo's mobility makes him a tricky opponent for Vladimir. His wind wall can block Vladimir's abilities, and his ultimate ability can deal massive damage to him. Additionally, Yasuo's mobility allows him to dodge Vladimir's abilities and make it difficult for him to land his ultimate.

The Support Counter - Soraka

Soraka may not be a traditional counter to Vladimir, but her ability to heal her allies can make it difficult for him to deal damage. Additionally, her silence ability can prevent Vladimir from using his abilities, limiting his impact in fights. Soraka's ultimate ability can also turn the tides of a fight by healing her entire team.

The Assassin Counter - Zed

Zed's burst damage can quickly take down Vladimir, especially if he is caught out of position. Additionally, Zed's mobility allows him to dodge Vladimir's abilities and make it difficult for him to land his ultimate. Zed's ultimate ability can also isolate Vladimir from his team, making him an easy target to take down.

The Ranged Counter - Syndra

Syndra's ranged abilities make it difficult for Vladimir to get close to her. Her ultimate ability can deal massive damage to him, and her crowd control abilities can disrupt his positioning in fights. Additionally, Syndra's mobility allows her to dodge Vladimir's abilities and make it difficult for him to land his ultimate.

The Conclusion

While Vladimir may be a tough opponent to deal with, there are certainly champions that can counter him. Whether you prefer a tanky champion like Maokai or an assassin like Zed, there is a counter for everyone. So next time you face Vladimir, don't panic - just pick one of these champions and show him who's boss.

Who Counters Vladimir?

Vladimir may be a powerful vampire mage, but like all champions, he has his weaknesses. Fortunately, there are a few select champions who can counter him in battle. Let's take a look at some of the most effective ways to take down Vladimir.

The Onion Knight's Secret Stash of Garlic

First on our list is the Onion Knight. Wait, what? Oh, sorry, wrong game. I meant to say, the champion who counters Vladimir with garlic is none other than Teemo. That's right, the cute little yordle has a secret stash of garlic that he uses to ward off vampires like Vladimir. But that's not all - Teemo also has a shroom army and blind dart that can make it difficult for Vladimir to approach him without taking damage.

The Witcher's Anti-Mage Spellbook

If you're looking for a more magical way to counter Vladimir, look no further than The Witcher. Geralt has a vast collection of spells and potions that can neutralize Vladimir's magic abilities. His anti-mage spellbook contains a variety of spells that can silence, stun, or even banish Vladimir from the battlefield.

Draven's Dazzling Blades and Showmanship

For those who prefer a more dramatic approach, Draven is the perfect champion to counter Vladimir. His dazzling blades can deal massive amounts of physical damage, while his showmanship can distract Vladimir and give Draven an advantage in combat. Plus, let's face it, watching Draven show off is just plain entertaining.

Ahri's Seductive Charm and Foxfire

Another champion who can counter Vladimir with style is Ahri. Her seductive charm can lure Vladimir into a false sense of security, while her foxfire can deal magical damage from a safe distance. Plus, Ahri just looks cool while doing it.

Lee Sin's Inner Peace and Dragon's Rage

If you want to counter Vladimir with sheer force, Lee Sin is the champion for you. His inner peace allows him to stay calm and focused in battle, while his dragon's rage can deal massive amounts of damage to Vladimir. Plus, Lee Sin just looks like a total badass.

Annie's Teddy Bear and Pyromania

For those who prefer a more cute and cuddly approach, Annie is the perfect champion to counter Vladimir. Her teddy bear can distract Vladimir while she charges up her pyromania, dealing massive amounts of magical damage. Plus, who doesn't love a little girl with a giant teddy bear?

Sona's Blissful Melodies and Crescendo

If you're looking for a champion who can counter Vladimir with music, Sona is the one for you. Her blissful melodies can heal her allies and damage her enemies, while her crescendo can stun Vladimir and give her team an advantage in combat. Plus, who doesn't love a good bard?

Rammus' Rolling Thunder and Taunting Shell

For those who want to counter Vladimir with pure toughness, Rammus is the champion for you. His rolling thunder can knock Vladimir back and deal physical damage, while his taunting shell can force Vladimir to attack him instead of his allies. Plus, he's a giant armadillo - what's not to love?

Bard's Magical Journey and Cosmic Binding

Last but certainly not least, Bard is a great champion to counter Vladimir with his magical abilities. His magical journey can allow him and his allies to move quickly around the battlefield, while his cosmic binding can stun Vladimir and deal magical damage. Plus, he's a traveling bard who can heal and support his team - what's not to love?

So there you have it, folks - a variety of champions who can counter Vladimir in their own unique ways. Whether you prefer garlic, spells, blades, charm, force, cuteness, music, toughness, or magic, there's a champion out there for you. Just remember, when facing Vladimir, don't be afraid to get a little creative and have fun with it.

Who Counters Vladimir: A Humorous Tale

The Legend of Vladimir, the Unkillable

Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Summoner's Rift, there was a champion named Vladimir. He was feared by all who faced him in battle, for he seemed to have an endless supply of health, and could heal himself at will. His enemies would throw everything they had at him, but he would simply laugh and suck their life essence away. It seemed that no one could counter Vladimir.

The Search for a Counter

One day, a group of brave summoners set out on a quest to find a way to defeat Vladimir. They searched high and low, through forests and mountains, across rivers and deserts. They consulted ancient tomes and wise sages, and tried every trick in the book. But nothing seemed to work. Vladimir remained unkillable.

Enter the Counters

Just when all hope seemed lost, a group of unlikely heroes stepped forward. They were the counters. Each one had a special ability that could bring Vladimir to his knees. They formed a team and set out to face him in battle.

Here are some of the counters they used:

  1. Ignite: This spell deals damage over time and reduces healing effects. It was a great way to stop Vladimir from regaining his health.
  2. Morellonomicon: An item that inflicts grievous wounds, reducing healing effects by 40%. This was a must-have for any team facing Vladimir.
  3. Executioner's Calling: Another item that inflicts grievous wounds. It was especially useful for champions who relied on basic attacks.
  4. Champions with Burst Damage: Vladimir's weakness was his lack of mobility. Champions like Syndra, Veigar, and LeBlanc could quickly burst him down before he had a chance to heal.

The Final Battle

With their counters in place, the team of heroes faced off against Vladimir in a battle that would go down in history. They used their spells and items to whittle away at his health, and their burst damage to finish him off. Vladimir fought back with all his might, but it was no use. In the end, he fell to the counters.

The Moral of the Story

So what did we learn from this tale? That even the most unkillable champion can be defeated with the right counters. Don't be afraid to try new strategies, and always be on the lookout for ways to gain an advantage in battle.


  • Vladimir
  • Counters
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Health
  • Healing
  • Ignite
  • Morellonomicon
  • Executioner's Calling
  • Burst Damage

Who Counters Vladimir? (Without Title)

Well, well, well! Here we are, my dear blog visitors, at the end of our journey to find out who counters Vladimir. It was quite an adventure, wasn't it? We've explored all sorts of champions, their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. But did we find the perfect answer? Nope, we didn't. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's no such thing as a perfect counter to Vladimir.

I know, I know, you might be disappointed. But think about it for a second. If there was a foolproof way to beat Vladimir, he wouldn't be that popular, right? Every champion has their own set of weaknesses, and Vladimir is no exception. He's strong against some champions and weak against others. So, let's put it this way - if you want to counter Vladimir, you need to know how to play against him, not which champion to pick.

However, there are some champions that could give Vladimir a hard time. For example, champions with long-range abilities like Xerath or Vel'Koz can poke him down before he gets close enough to deal damage. Also, champions with hard CC like Lissandra or Morgana can stop Vladimir in his tracks and prevent him from using his abilities. But keep in mind that even with these champions, you need to have a good understanding of how to play against Vladimir.

Now, let's talk about some other ways to counter Vladimir. First and foremost, try to deny him farm and gold. Vladimir is a scaling champion, which means he becomes stronger as the game progresses. If you can deny him farm and gold, you can delay his power spikes and make him easier to deal with. Additionally, try to coordinate with your team to focus Vladimir during team fights. If you can take him out early, the rest of the fight will be much easier.

Another thing to keep in mind is Vladimir's summoner spells. He almost always takes Ignite, which gives him a lot of kill pressure in lane. Try to bait out his Ignite or wait for it to expire before going all-in. Also, keep an eye on his Flash cooldown. If he doesn't have Flash, he's much more vulnerable to ganks and all-ins.

So, my dear blog visitors, there you have it. We might not have found the perfect counter to Vladimir, but we did learn a lot about how to play against him. Remember, knowledge is power, and the more you know about Vladimir, the better equipped you'll be to deal with him. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one countering Vladimir like a pro.

Before we say goodbye, let me remind you of one last thing. League of Legends is ultimately a game, and games are supposed to be fun. Don't get too caught up in countering champions or winning every game. Enjoy the process, learn from your mistakes, and don't forget to have fun. After all, that's what games are for!

Thank you for joining me on this journey, my dear blog visitors. It's been a pleasure exploring the world of League of Legends with you. Until next time, happy gaming!

Who Counters Vladimir?

People Also Ask:

  • What champion can beat Vladimir?
  • Which champions can out-sustain Vladimir?
  • Who is a good counterpick against Vladimir in the top lane?


Oh, Vladimir, the blood-sucking mage who thinks he's a tank. Let's face it, he's annoying to play against, but fear not, there are ways to counter him.

1. Champions that can beat Vladimir:

If you're looking for champions that can go toe-to-toe with Vladimir and beat him, then you'll want to pick someone who has a lot of burst damage and can dodge his abilities. Some good options include:

  1. Kassadin - His Q shield can block Vladimir's Q, and he can easily dodge his E and R with his ultimate. Plus, Kassadin's burst damage is insane.
  2. Akali - She can use her shroud to avoid Vladimir's abilities, and her burst damage is also very high. Plus, she has sustain built into her kit.
  3. Fizz - Fizz has a lot of mobility and can dodge Vladimir's abilities with ease. He also has a lot of burst damage and can trade effectively with Vladimir.

2. Champions that can out-sustain Vladimir:

If you're looking for champions that can simply out-sustain Vladimir in lane, then you'll want to pick someone who has sustain built into their kit. Some good options include:

  1. Mundo - He has ridiculous health regeneration and can simply out-sustain Vladimir's damage.
  2. Nasus - He has built-in lifesteal and can stack his Q to deal massive damage to Vladimir.
  3. Maokai - He has good sustain with his passive, and his ultimate can reduce the damage of Vladimir's abilities.

3. Good counterpicks against Vladimir in the top lane:

If you're playing in the top lane and want to counter Vladimir specifically, then you'll want to pick champions that can either out-sustain him or dodge his abilities. Some good options include:

  1. Jax - He has good sustain with his passive and can use his E to dodge Vladimir's abilities. Plus, he scales very well into the late game.
  2. Irelia - She has good sustain with her W and can easily dodge Vladimir's abilities with her Q and E. Plus, she can snowball very hard if she gets ahead.
  3. Fiora - She has good sustain with her passive and can use her Q to dodge Vladimir's abilities. Plus, her ultimate can negate a lot of his damage.

So there you have it, folks. With these champions in mind, you'll be able to take down Vladimir without breaking a sweat. Just remember to dodge his abilities and bring the heat with your own burst damage.