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Unraveling the Mystery: Who Killed Colosio and the Devastating Impact on Mexico's Political Landscape

Who Killed Colosio

Who Killed Colosio? A gripping account of the assassination of Mexican presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio and the ensuing investigation.

Who Killed Colosio? The question that has puzzled Mexico for over two decades. It's like a never-ending telenovela that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Was it the drug cartels? The political opposition? The government itself? Whatever the answer may be, one thing is for sure - this assassination has left a mark on Mexican history and politics.

Let's go back to March 23, 1994. Luis Donaldo Colosio, the presidential candidate for the ruling party, was giving a speech in Tijuana. Suddenly, shots were fired and Colosio was hit. Chaos ensued as people scrambled to find the shooter. The attacker was eventually caught, but the damage had already been done. Colosio died the next day.

The aftermath of Colosio's death was just as chaotic as the assassination itself. Conspiracy theories started to pop up like mushrooms after a rainy day. Some claimed that the drug cartels were behind it, while others pointed fingers at the political opposition. The government, of course, denied any involvement.

But why would anyone want to kill Colosio? Well, for starters, he was seen as a threat to the status quo. He was a reformist who wanted to change the way politics were done in Mexico. He talked about reducing poverty, improving education, and fighting corruption. These were all noble goals, but they also threatened the interests of some powerful people.

So, who benefited from Colosio's death? That's a good question, and one that has never been fully answered. Some say that the government itself was behind it, as a way to maintain its grip on power. Others argue that the drug cartels did it, as a warning to anyone who dared to challenge their authority. And then there are those who believe that the political opposition had a hand in it, as a way to discredit the ruling party.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Colosio case is the number of people who have been implicated in it. Over the years, dozens of suspects have been arrested, tried, and convicted for their alleged involvement in the assassination. But each time, the case seems to unravel, and the real culprits remain at large.

Perhaps the most famous suspect in the Colosio case is Mario Aburto, the man who was caught at the scene of the crime. Aburto confessed to the killing, but later recanted, claiming that he had been coerced into making the confession. Despite this, he was found guilty and sentenced to 45 years in prison.

But Aburto's case is just one of many. Over the years, other suspects have emerged, including high-ranking government officials, members of the military, and even members of Colosio's own party. Each time, the case seems to take a new turn, but the truth remains elusive.

So, who killed Colosio? The answer may never be known. But what we do know is that his death was a turning point in Mexican history. It exposed the corruption and violence that had long been a part of Mexican politics, and it showed that no one was safe from the reach of those who held power.

In the end, the Colosio case is a cautionary tale. It reminds us that we must always be vigilant against those who seek to undermine our democracy, and that we must never forget the sacrifices of those who have fought to make our country a better place.

The Murder of Luis Donaldo Colosio: A Mystery Yet to be Solved


It has been almost three decades since the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio, a Mexican politician and presidential candidate. However, the identity of his killer and the motive behind the crime remains a mystery even today. While the official investigation by the Mexican government has pointed to a lone gunman as the perpetrator, many conspiracy theories have been floating around, each with its own set of suspects. In this article, we will explore some of these theories, and try to unravel the mystery of who killed Colosio.

The Official Story

According to the official version of events, Colosio was shot by a lone gunman named Mario Aburto Martinez, while he was giving a speech at a campaign rally in Tijuana on March 23, 1994. Martinez was arrested immediately after the shooting, and later confessed to the crime. He was sentenced to 45 years in prison, but has since recanted his confession and claimed that he was coerced into making it.

The Conspiracy Theories

Despite the official version of events, many people believe that there was more to Colosio's murder than meets the eye. Some of the most popular conspiracy theories include:

The PRI Did It

The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which had been in power in Mexico for over seven decades, was facing increasing opposition and criticism at the time of Colosio's assassination. Some people believe that the party was behind the murder, as Colosio was seen as a threat to their hold on power. There are also rumors that high-ranking members of the party ordered the hit, and that the lone gunman was just a patsy.

The Drug Cartels Did It

Mexico has long been plagued by drug violence, and many people believe that the cartels were involved in Colosio's assassination. Some theories suggest that the cartel leaders saw Colosio as a threat to their operations, and ordered his murder to protect their interests. Others believe that Colosio was killed because he refused to make deals with the cartels.

The CIA Did It

As with any political assassination, there are those who believe that the CIA was involved in Colosio's murder. The theory goes that the US government saw Colosio as a threat to their interests in Mexico, and ordered his assassination to prevent him from becoming president. There are also rumors that the CIA was working with the PRI to orchestrate the hit.

The Zapatistas Did It

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation, a leftist guerrilla group in Mexico, had been involved in a long-standing conflict with the Mexican government at the time of Colosio's assassination. Some people believe that the Zapatistas were behind the murder, as they saw Colosio as a representative of the corrupt political system they were fighting against.


Despite countless investigations and inquiries, the mystery of who killed Luis Donaldo Colosio remains unsolved. While the official version of events points to a lone gunman, many conspiracy theories suggest that there was more to the story than meets the eye. Whether it was the PRI, the drug cartels, the CIA, or the Zapatistas, we may never know. Until new evidence comes to light, the assassination of Colosio will remain a mystery and a source of speculation for years to come.

Who Killed Colosio?

Well, well, well, it looks like we've got a good old-fashioned murder mystery on our hands. And not just any murder mystery, mind you, but one that involves conspiracy theories, suspects galore, and even a time-traveler thrown into the mix. So, sit back, grab some popcorn, and let's dive into this whodunit.

The Conspiracy Theories

Because, clearly, nothing screams fun like a good ol' government cover-up! Some say that Colosio's assassination was part of a larger political scheme to keep certain people in power. Others speculate that it was a drug cartel hit job gone wrong. And then there are those who believe that aliens were involved somehow (hey, anything's possible).

Suspect #1: The Maid

Bet you never thought your hotel room's cleaning lady could be a cold-blooded killer, huh? Well, some people think that the maid who cleaned Colosio's hotel room had something to do with his death. Maybe she was paid off by someone to plant a bomb or poison his food. Or maybe she just really hated her job and took out her frustrations on the unsuspecting politician.

Suspect #2: The Ex-Wife

Because let's face it, we all know divorce can get messy. Colosio's ex-wife has been a prime suspect in his murder case since day one. Maybe she was angry about the split and wanted revenge. Or maybe she wanted to get her hands on his money and power. Either way, she definitely had a motive.

Suspect #3: The Mailman

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these murderers from their deadly task. Okay, so that's not exactly how the saying goes, but you get the idea. Some people think that Colosio's mailman was the killer. Maybe he had access to inside information and decided to take matters into his own hands. Or maybe he just really hated junk mail and wanted to send a message (literally).

Suspect #4: The Gardener

He may have had a green thumb, but was he hiding a red-handed secret? Some people believe that Colosio's gardener was involved in the assassination plot. Maybe he had a grudge against the politician for not appreciating his hard work. Or maybe he was just a mastermind behind the scenes, using his gardening skills as a cover-up.

Suspect #5: The Pizza Delivery Guy

This crime is starting to feel like something straight out of a cheesy thriller movie. Some people think that Colosio's pizza delivery guy had something to do with his death. Maybe he was actually a hitman in disguise, using the pizza delivery as a cover-up. Or maybe he just got lost on his way to the party and accidentally stumbled upon a murder plot.

Suspect #6: The Psychic

Maybe she didn't see the murder coming, but did she have anything to do with it? Some people think that Colosio's psychic was involved in the assassination plot. Maybe she had a vision of his death and decided to make it a reality. Or maybe she just wanted to prove that her psychic abilities were legit by pulling off a high-profile murder.

Suspect #7: The Parrot

Polly want a cracker... and a motive for murder. Yes, you read that right. Some people think that Colosio's pet parrot was somehow involved in his death. Maybe it was trained to repeat certain phrases that triggered the assassination. Or maybe it was simply a clever distraction while the real killer made their move.

Suspect #8: The Tourist

Who knew spring break could turn so deadly? Some people think that Colosio's killer was actually a tourist who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe they were on vacation and stumbled upon a murder plot that they couldn't resist getting involved in. Or maybe they just wanted to spice up their trip with a little bit of crime.

Suspect #9: The Time-Traveler

Because hey, with all the crazy theories out there, why not throw in a little sci-fi? Some people believe that Colosio's killer was actually a time-traveler from the future. Maybe they had a mission to change history and decided that killing Colosio was the key. Or maybe they just wanted to mess with our heads by adding a futuristic twist to a classic murder mystery.

So, there you have it. Nine suspects, one murder, and a whole lot of conspiracy theories. Who killed Colosio? We may never know for sure. But one thing's for certain: this case will go down in history as one of the most baffling and bizarre murder mysteries of all time.

Who Killed Colosio?

The Story of a Murder Mystery

It was a dark and stormy night in Mexico City, March 23, 1994. Luis Donaldo Colosio, the presidential candidate of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), was making his way through the crowded streets. Suddenly, shots rang out, and he fell to the ground, fatally wounded. The country was in shock.

The investigation into Colosio's assassination began immediately, but it would take years to unravel the mystery of who was responsible. The official story pointed to a lone gunman, Mario Aburto, who was arrested at the scene. However, many Mexicans were skeptical of this explanation and believed that there was more to the story.

The Conspiracy Theories

Over the years, numerous conspiracy theories have emerged about who was behind the assassination of Colosio. Some of the most popular include:

  1. The PRI itself: Many Mexicans believe that the ruling party was responsible for Colosio's death because he represented a threat to the status quo. As a reform-minded politician, he was seen as a potential threat to the entrenched interests of the PRI.
  2. The drug cartels: Others believe that the assassination was carried out by one of Mexico's powerful drug cartels in retaliation for Colosio's promises to crack down on organized crime if elected.
  3. The CIA: Some conspiracy theorists believe that the CIA was involved in the assassination because they saw Colosio as a potential threat to U.S. interests in the region.
  4. The Freemasons: Finally, some believe that the assassination was part of a larger conspiracy involving the shadowy world of the Freemasons.

The Humorous Take

Of course, we can't know for sure who killed Colosio, but that hasn't stopped Mexicans from speculating and joking about the assassination over the years. Here are some of the best jokes:

  • Why did Colosio cross the road? To get to the other side of the conspiracy.
  • Why did the PRI kill Colosio? Because they couldn't control his hair.
  • Why did the drug cartels kill Colosio? Because they didn't want anyone messing with their supply of hair gel.
  • Why did the CIA kill Colosio? Because they thought he was secretly working for the KGB.
  • Why did the Freemasons kill Colosio? Because they needed a sacrifice for their secret ritual.

Of course, these jokes are in poor taste, and the assassination of Colosio was a tragic event that shook Mexico to its core. But humor can be a way of coping with tragedy, and it's a testament to the resilience of the Mexican people that they can find humor in even the darkest of situations.

The Conclusion

In the end, we may never know who killed Colosio. The investigation has been plagued by corruption, incompetence, and political interference. But the memory of Colosio lives on, as a symbol of hope for a better, more democratic Mexico. And perhaps someday, the truth will be uncovered.


  • Luis Donaldo Colosio
  • Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)
  • Mexico City
  • Assassination
  • Mario Aburto
  • Conspiracy Theories
  • Drug Cartels
  • CIA
  • Freemasons

So Who Really Killed Colosio? Let's End This Conspiracy Theory Once and for All!

Well, well, well! We've come to the end of our little journey. I hope you enjoyed reading about the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio as much as I enjoyed writing about it. But before we part ways, let's address the elephant in the room: who really killed Colosio?

After all the theories and speculations, what's the truth behind this unsolved mystery? Was it the government? The drug cartels? Or maybe even aliens? Okay, okay, I'm just joking about the aliens part (or am I?).

But seriously, let's get down to business. The truth is, nobody knows for sure who killed Colosio. It's been over 25 years, and the case remains unsolved. However, there are some facts that we do know.

For starters, we know that Colosio was assassinated on March 23, 1994, while he was campaigning for the presidency of Mexico. He was shot at close range by a lone gunman while addressing a crowd in Tijuana. The assassin, Mario Aburto, was apprehended at the scene and later convicted of the crime.

However, many people believe that Aburto was just a pawn in a larger conspiracy. They point out that his motives for killing Colosio were never clear, and that he seemed to be acting strangely both before and after the assassination.

Some conspiracy theorists believe that the government was behind the assassination, either because they saw Colosio as a threat to their power or because he was planning to make major changes that would have upset the status quo. Others believe that the drug cartels were responsible, either because they felt threatened by Colosio's anti-drug policies or because they wanted to send a message to other politicians not to mess with them.

But the truth is, we may never know for sure who killed Colosio. The investigation was marred by corruption and incompetence, and many key witnesses and suspects have died under mysterious circumstances over the years.

So, what can we take away from all of this? Well, for one thing, it's important to question the official narrative and look for alternative explanations. Just because someone has been convicted of a crime doesn't necessarily mean they're guilty, especially if there are other factors at play.

It's also important to remember that conspiracy theories can be dangerous if taken too seriously. They can lead to paranoia, mistrust, and even violence. So while it's fun to speculate and theorize, we should always approach these topics with a healthy dose of skepticism and critical thinking.

And with that, I bid you adieu. Thank you for joining me on this wild ride through the world of conspiracy theories. Who knows, maybe someday we'll finally get to the bottom of the Colosio case. Until then, keep an open mind and stay curious!

People Also Ask: Who Killed Colosio?

Who was Luis Donaldo Colosio?

Luis Donaldo Colosio was a Mexican politician and member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) who was running for president in 1994. He was seen as a reformist and had promised to combat corruption and poverty in Mexico.

What happened to Luis Donaldo Colosio?

On March 23, 1994, Colosio was assassinated while on the campaign trail in Tijuana.

Who killed Luis Donaldo Colosio?

This is the million-dollar question. The official investigation concluded that Mario Aburto, a 24-year-old factory worker, acted alone in shooting Colosio. However, there are many conspiracy theories that suggest government officials or other powerful figures were involved in the assassination.

Why was Luis Donaldo Colosio killed?

Again, the official explanation is that Mario Aburto acted alone in killing Colosio. However, the motive behind the assassination is still unclear. Some believe that Colosio's reformist ideas threatened the powerful interests of the PRI, while others speculate that drug cartels or other criminal organizations were involved.

What impact did Colosio's assassination have on Mexico?

Colosio's assassination was a shock to the Mexican people and has had lasting political and social implications. It was a turning point in Mexican politics and led to increased public scrutiny of the PRI's corrupt practices. Many also credit the assassination with paving the way for the opposition party, the National Action Party (PAN), to win the presidency in 2000.

So, who really killed Luis Donaldo Colosio?

I'm sorry, I'm an AI language model, not a detective. But one thing is for sure - the mystery surrounding Colosio's assassination will likely continue to intrigue and captivate people for years to come.