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Top Champions That Can Counter Qiyana in League of Legends

Who Counters Qiyana

Discover who can counter Qiyana in League of Legends. Learn which champions have the advantage against this elemental assassin.

Are you tired of losing to Qiyana in every game? Do you feel like you're powerless against her deadly combos? Fear not, my friend! There are plenty of champions out there who can counter Qiyana's flashy plays and send her back to the river where she belongs.

First on the list is Malzahar. This creepy void creature may not be as flashy as Qiyana, but he definitely knows how to shut her down. With his silence and suppression abilities, Malzahar can prevent Qiyana from using her spells and leave her vulnerable to your team's attacks.

Another champion that can give Qiyana a hard time is Kassadin. This purple dude may look squishy, but don't let his appearance fool you. With his mobility and magic resistance, Kassadin can dodge Qiyana's skillshots and survive her burst damage while dealing his own in return.

Of course, we can't forget about the king of all tanks - Maokai. This nature-loving tree may not have the same level of damage as Qiyana, but he can definitely outlast her in a fight. With his crowd control and sustain abilities, Maokai can keep Qiyana at bay while his team takes care of her allies.

For those who prefer a more aggressive playstyle, Riven is a great choice to counter Qiyana. This broken blade-wielding warrior has the mobility and damage to keep up with Qiyana and even outplay her if played correctly. Just make sure to time your abilities properly and avoid getting caught by her ultimate.

If you're feeling particularly daring, you can try to pick Yasuo into Qiyana. This samurai may not have the best win rate against her, but he certainly has the potential to turn the tables if played well. With his Wind Wall and mobility, Yasuo can dodge Qiyana's skillshots and cut her down with his own sword.

Of course, these are just a few examples of champions that can counter Qiyana. There are plenty of other options out there, depending on your playstyle and team composition. The key is to understand Qiyana's strengths and weaknesses, and pick a champion that can exploit them.

So next time you see Qiyana on the enemy team, don't panic. Take a deep breath, pick one of these champions (or any other counter), and show her who's boss. After all, nothing feels better than taking down a flashy, overconfident opponent with a well-placed ability or two.

Just remember, though - no matter how much you may hate Qiyana, don't forget to respect her. She is, after all, the Empress of the Elements, and she deserves some recognition for that.

But not too much, of course. We don't want her getting any ideas.


Ah, Qiyana, the Empress of the Elements, the champion who can outmaneuver and outburst her enemies. She is a force to be reckoned with, and it's no wonder that she's a popular pick in League of Legends. But what happens when you're up against a Qiyana and you just don't know who to pick? Fear not, my friends, for I am here to guide you through the champions that counter Qiyana.

The Problem with Qiyana

Before we dive into the counter picks, let's first understand what makes Qiyana so difficult to deal with. For starters, her kit is incredibly versatile. She can dash, stun, root, and deal massive amounts of damage all in one go. Additionally, her ultimate ability allows her to manipulate terrain, which can both make or break a team fight. So, how do we counter someone who has so much going for them? Well, that's where our counter picks come in.

1. Galio - The Anti-Mage

Galio, the Sentinel's Sorrow, is a great pick against Qiyana. Why, you may ask? Well, for starters, Galio is a tanky champion who can soak up a lot of damage. Qiyana relies heavily on her burst potential to take down enemies, but Galio's passive mitigates magic damage, making him a tough nut to crack. Furthermore, Galio's ultimate ability can taunt multiple enemies at once, which can be devastating for someone like Qiyana who relies on mobility to stay alive.

2. Kassadin - The Late Game Monster

Kassadin, the Void Walker, is a champion that starts off weak but becomes an absolute monster in the late game. Qiyana, on the other hand, is a champion that relies heavily on snowballing early. Kassadin's kit allows him to mitigate magic damage and teleport short distances, making it difficult for Qiyana to land her abilities. Furthermore, Kassadin's ultimate ability grants him a shield and allows him to deal massive amounts of damage to enemies around him. If you manage to survive Qiyana's early game onslaught, Kassadin can easily turn the tables and become a late game monster.

3. Morgana - The Spell Shield Queen

Morgana, the Fallen Angel, is a champion that can be a real pain for Qiyana to deal with. Why? Well, for starters, Morgana's kit includes a spell shield that can negate any crowd control ability that Qiyana throws her way. Additionally, Morgana's ultimate ability can root multiple enemies at once, making it difficult for Qiyana to maneuver around the battlefield. Lastly, Morgana deals a lot of magic damage, which can make Qiyana's life difficult if she hasn't built any magic resist items.

4. Zed - The Shadow Master

Zed, the Master of Shadows, is a champion that can outmaneuver Qiyana and deal massive amounts of damage in the process. Zed's kit includes multiple shadow clones, which can be used to dodge Qiyana's abilities or set up a surprise attack. Additionally, Zed's ultimate ability can mark an enemy champion and deal massive amounts of damage after a few seconds. Qiyana's kit relies heavily on mobility, but Zed's kit allows him to stay on top of her and deal damage at the same time.

5. Syndra - The Ballsy Mage

Syndra, the Dark Sovereign, is a champion that can match Qiyana's burst potential and then some. Syndra's kit includes a lot of crowd control abilities, which can make it difficult for Qiyana to maneuver around the battlefield. Additionally, Syndra's ultimate ability allows her to pick up multiple enemy champions and throw them in a designated direction, which can be devastating for Qiyana if she's caught out of position.


And there you have it, folks. Five champions that can counter Qiyana and make your life a little easier on the Rift. While these champions may not guarantee a win, they can certainly make it more difficult for Qiyana to do her thing. So, next time you're up against a Qiyana, don't panic. Just pick one of these champions and show her who's boss.Qiyana may think she's the queen of the elements, but there are plenty of champions in League of Legends who can put her in her place. Let's take a look at some of the best counters to Qiyana's arrogance and see how they can bring her down a notch or two.First up, we have Nami, the Aqua Queen Slayer. Qiyana might be able to manipulate water, but Nami can swim circles around her with her watery prowess. She'll provide the ultimate splash to Qiyana's ego and leave her feeling all washed up.Next, we have LeBlanc, the Sassy Thief. Qiyana may be the queen of backstabbing, but LeBlanc knows how to steal a victory away with her cunning tactics. Take from the queen and show her how it's done, LeBlanc!For those who prefer a more fiery approach, there's Brand, the Raging Inferno. Fire meets rock when Brand ignites his abilities to light Qiyana's arrogance ablaze. Let's see her try to manipulate elements when she's engulfed in flames.If Qiyana thinks she can outsmart everyone, she hasn't met Swain, the Sinister Wordsmith. Qiyana might be cunning, but Swain knows the power of manipulation. Make a statement with his command, and Qiyana's ego will bow down to his power.Twitch, the Invisible One, is another champion that can take Qiyana by surprise. Qiyana may be a queen, but there's no escaping the power of a sneaky rat. Twitch's swift and sly moves will make Qiyana second-guess her every step.Evelynn, the Lady of the Shadows, is another master of deception. Qiyana may think she's the queen of trickery, but Evelynn lurks in the shadows ready to pounce. Take on Qiyana with her devilishly tempting skills and watch her arrogance crumble.Azir, the Grandmaster of the Sands, takes the power of the sun and sand to create a devastating attack against Qiyana. Qiyana may rule over all things earthy, but she can't handle the heat of Azir's ultimate.Zed, the Ultimate Assassin, is another champion who can take Qiyana down. Two assassins enter the arena, but only Zed can slay the Queen of Elements. Let his deadly shuriken take the lead and watch Qiyana fall.Morgana, the Dark Sovereign, is a champion who can put Qiyana in her place with her dark magic. Qiyana might be ruling over earth, but Morgana's ultimate will come down like a bolt of lightning and leave her feeling powerless.Finally, we have Syndra, the Mighty Archmage. Qiyana may think she can control elements, but Syndra will show her the true power of the cosmos. With devastating orbs appearing from nowhere, Qiyana won't know what hit her.So, there you have it, folks. If you're looking to counter Qiyana's arrogance, look no further than these champions. Whether you prefer water, fire, darkness, or deception, there's a champion out there who can put Qiyana in her place.

Who Counters Qiyana?

The Tale of Qiyana's Troubles

Once upon a time, in the land of Summoner's Rift, there was a powerful queen named Qiyana. With her rock-solid abs and her deadly elemental powers, she was feared by all who opposed her. But little did she know, there were certain champions who were able to counter her with ease.

One day, Qiyana found herself facing off against a strange creature known as Yuumi. Despite her best efforts, Qiyana found herself unable to hit Yuumi with any of her abilities. This was because Yuumi had the ability to attach herself to other champions, making her nearly impossible to target.

Champions That Counter Qiyana:

  1. Yuumi: As previously mentioned, Yuumi's ability to attach herself to other champions makes her a difficult target for Qiyana to hit.
  2. Malphite: Malphite's ultimate ability, Unstoppable Force, allows him to charge at Qiyana and knock her up, interrupting any ability she may be channeling.
  3. Diana: Diana's Moonfall ability pulls enemies towards her, making it difficult for Qiyana to escape her grasp.

As Qiyana continued to face off against these champions, she began to realize that she needed to adapt her playstyle in order to come out on top. She started to focus more on her basic attacks and less on her abilities, hoping to catch her opponents off guard.

Despite the challenges she faced, Qiyana never lost her sense of humor. She would often make jokes about how she was rocked by Malphite or how she was lunar-tic for underestimating Diana. And even though she may have been countered at times, Qiyana's spirit remained unbreakable.


  • Qiyana
  • Counters
  • Yuumi
  • Malphite
  • Diana
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Abilities

Who Counters Qiyana? Nobody, She's Too Powerful!

Well, well, well, it seems that we have a problem here. You are looking for a champion that can counter Qiyana? Sorry to burst your bubble, but you won't find any. Why? Because Qiyana is the queen of the Rift, the empress of the jungle, and the ruler of the mid lane. She's too powerful, too versatile, and too skilled to be countered by anyone.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Let's analyze her kit and see why she's so dominant.

First of all, Qiyana has a passive ability that empowers her next basic attack after using an ability. This means that she can deal massive burst damage in a short amount of time. Not to mention that her abilities have low cooldowns, which allows her to spam them and keep applying her passive.

Secondly, Qiyana has three different elements to choose from: grass, water, and rock. Each element grants her a different effect and allows her to adapt to any situation. For example, if she needs mobility, she can use water to dash towards enemies or escape from danger. If she needs crowd control, she can use grass to root enemies in place. And if she needs burst damage, she can use rock to deal massive AOE damage.

Thirdly, Qiyana has an ultimate ability that is game-changing. She can create a shockwave that knocks up enemies and deals damage based on the number of champions hit. This ultimate is perfect for team fights, ganks, or even stealing objectives like Baron or Dragon.

So, as you can see, Qiyana is a force to be reckoned with. But is there any hope for her opponents? Well, there are a few strategies that can help you survive against her.

Firstly, you can try to avoid her burst damage by staying away from her when her passive is up. This means that you should be aware of her cooldowns and engage her when she's vulnerable.

Secondly, you can try to bait her abilities and then punish her when they're on cooldown. For example, if she uses her water dash to engage you, you can dodge it and then retaliate with your own abilities.

Thirdly, you can try to outscale her by playing a champion that has better late-game scaling. Qiyana is strong in the early and mid game, but she falls off in the late game compared to other champions like Vayne, Jinx, or Kassadin.

But let's be real here, these strategies are just temporary solutions. Qiyana is still too powerful and too versatile to be countered by anyone. So, my advice for you is to embrace the power of Qiyana and join her in the conquest of the Rift. Who needs counters when you have the empress herself?

And with that said, I bid you farewell, fellow summoners. May the power of Qiyana guide you towards victory.

Who Counters Qiyana?

People Also Ask:

1. What champions can beat Qiyana in lane?

There are several champions that can beat Qiyana in lane, including:

  • Galio
  • Diana
  • Zed
  • Talon
  • Akali

2. How do I counter Qiyana's ultimate?

To counter Qiyana's ultimate, you can:

  1. Stay spread out to avoid multiple targets being knocked up
  2. Use crowd control abilities to interrupt her ultimate
  3. Position yourself behind a wall or object to avoid being hit

3. What items counter Qiyana?

Items that can counter Qiyana include:

  • Hourglass to avoid her ultimate
  • Ninja Tabi to reduce her damage
  • Mercury's Treads to reduce her crowd control
  • Thornmail to reflect her damage back at her


Well, if you're looking to counter Qiyana, you've come to the right place! Here are some tips and tricks to help you take down this formidable foe.

First off, if you're playing against Qiyana in lane, you'll want to pick a champion that can out-trade her. Galio, Diana, Zed, Talon, and Akali are all great picks that can take on Qiyana and come out on top.

But what if you're already in-game and you need to counter Qiyana's ultimate? Well, fear not! You can stay spread out to avoid multiple targets being knocked up, use crowd control abilities to interrupt her ultimate, or position yourself behind a wall or object to avoid being hit.

And finally, when it comes to items, there are several that can help you counter Qiyana. Hourglass is great for avoiding her ultimate, Ninja Tabi can reduce her damage, Mercury's Treads can reduce her crowd control, and Thornmail can even reflect her damage back at her!

So there you have it, folks! With these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to countering Qiyana like a pro.