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10 Champions Who Can Counter Heimerdinger in League of Legends

Who Counters Heimerdinger

Who counters Heimerdinger? Champions with long-range abilities and mobility like Ziggs, Vel'Koz, and Syndra can easily take down his turrets and avoid his stun.

So, you've found yourself facing off against the mad scientist Heimerdinger in a game of League of Legends. And let's be real, who hasn't? The yordle genius is known for his powerful turrets, tricky grenade tosses, and overall annoyance on the battlefield. But fear not, my fellow summoners, for there are champions out there that can counter Heimerdinger and make him regret ever stepping foot on the Rift.

First up, we have the ever-popular Yasuo. Yes, you heard me right. The wind samurai himself can actually hold his own against Heimerdinger. With his quick movement and ability to dash through enemy minions, Yasuo can easily avoid Heimerdinger's turret damage and get up close and personal with the little yordle. Plus, his wind wall can block Heimerdinger's grenade toss and reduce the effectiveness of his ultimate. Take that, science boy.

Next on our list is the fiery mage Brand. While he may not have the mobility of Yasuo, Brand makes up for it with his massive AOE damage and ability to spread his passive effect to multiple enemies. Heimerdinger may think he's safe behind his turrets, but one well-placed Pillar of Flame can take out multiple turrets at once. And don't even get me started on the satisfaction of watching Heimerdinger burn to a crisp from Brand's ultimate.

Now, let's talk about the champion that has been giving Heimerdinger players nightmares since her release: Zyra. This plant-based mage can spawn her own turrets, creating a constant stream of distractions for Heimerdinger's turrets to target instead of her. Her plants also deal massive damage, and her ultimate can knock Heimerdinger and his turrets into the air, leaving them vulnerable to attack. It's almost too easy.

But what if you don't want to play a mage? Enter Tristana, the yordle sharpshooter. With her long-range attacks and ability to jump away from danger, Tristana can easily take out Heimerdinger's turrets from a safe distance. And let's not forget about her ultimate, which can knock Heimerdinger away from his precious turrets and right into your team's waiting arms. Talk about a satisfying kill.

Now, I know what you're thinking. But what about assassins? Well, fear not, because we have one of the best assassin counters to Heimerdinger: Zed. Yes, Zed. While he may not be able to take out Heimerdinger's turrets as easily as some other champions on this list, he can easily dodge Heimerdinger's skillshots with his ultimate and leave the little yordle wondering where he went. Plus, his shadow clones can take out turrets without putting Zed himself in danger. Heimerdinger may be a genius, but he's no match for the Master of Shadows.

Of course, there are many other champions that can counter Heimerdinger in their own way. But these five are some of the most effective and satisfying to play against him. So go forth, summoners, and show Heimerdinger who's boss.

And if all else fails, just ban him.


Heimerdinger, the brilliant inventor of League of Legends, is a champion with a unique playstyle. He is known for his turrets, which can deal massive damage to enemies. However, like any champion, Heimerdinger has his weaknesses. In this article, we will explore who counters Heimerdinger and how you can take advantage of these weaknesses.

Countering Heimerdinger

Counter-pick champions

When it comes to countering Heimerdinger, there are a few champions that come to mind. These champions have abilities that can easily destroy his turrets or outplay him in lane. One such champion is Ziggs. Ziggs' Q ability, Bouncing Bomb, can take out Heimerdinger's turrets with ease. Another champion that can counter Heimerdinger is Syndra. Syndra's W ability, Force of Will, allows her to pick up Heimerdinger's turrets and throw them back at him.

Jungle pressure

If you're having trouble dealing with Heimerdinger in lane, one way to counter him is by applying jungle pressure. Heimerdinger is a champion that is vulnerable to ganks, especially if he overextends. By coordinating with your jungle, you can set up ganks and take advantage of Heimerdinger's lack of mobility.


Another way to counter Heimerdinger is by roaming. Heimerdinger is a champion that excels in laning phase but struggles when it comes to team fights. By roaming to other lanes, you can create pressure and take objectives, forcing Heimerdinger to leave his comfort zone and follow you. This can give your team an advantage in team fights.

Building MR

If you're playing a champion that can't easily destroy Heimerdinger's turrets, one way to counter him is by building magic resistance. Heimerdinger's turrets deal magic damage, so building items like Mercury's Treads or Banshee's Veil can reduce their damage output. This will make it easier for you to survive in lane and take control of the game.

Dodging skillshots

Heimerdinger relies heavily on his skillshots to deal damage. By dodging his abilities, you can avoid taking damage and turn the tables on him. Champions with mobility, like Zed or Yasuo, can easily dodge Heimerdinger's abilities and outplay him in lane.


Heimerdinger is a champion that requires strategy and skill to counter. Whether it's by picking a counter-pick champion, applying jungle pressure, roaming, building MR, or dodging skillshots, there are ways to take advantage of his weaknesses. By using these strategies, you can gain the upper hand in lane and secure the victory for your team.


This article is meant to be humorous and entertaining. The strategies listed here are not guaranteed to work in every situation, and should be used at your own risk. Remember to have fun and enjoy playing League of Legends!

Who's Heimerdinger's worst nightmare? The list of champions that can easily put Heimer on mute! If you're tired of being outsmarted by the Mechanized Menace, it's time to turn the tables and take him down a notch. Here are some tips that will make Heimerdinger regret ever crossing you.Rockin' and Rollin' Against Heimer: How to use heavy metal to counter the Mechanized Menace. If you're feeling a bit rebellious, why not bring out the big guns? Heavy metal champions like Mordekaiser and Darius can rock Heimer's world with their heavy-hitting abilities and their ability to tank through his turrets. Just don't forget to headbang while doing it.Don't be a Lab Rat! How to Take Down Heimerdinger: Get great tips on beating the brainy inventor without falling prey to his traps. Heimer may be smart, but he's not invincible. One way to take him down is to avoid his traps and attacks altogether. Champions with strong mobility, like LeBlanc and Yasuo, can dodge his turrets and keep him on his toes.Jungle Jousting: Taking Down Heimerdinger with a Smile: Best ways to use your jungle champions to give Heimerdinger a bad time. If you're looking to take Heimer by surprise, try using your jungle champions to gank him from behind. Champions like Lee Sin and Kha'Zix can jump in and deal massive damage before Heimer even knows what hit him.Mind Games: Outthinking Heimerdinger in Lane: Of course Heimer is the smart one, but there're tricks champions can use to deal with him. If you're facing Heimer in lane, don't let him get inside your head. Try using mind games to throw him off his game. Champions like Fizz and Zed can dodge his attacks and make him second guess his strategy.Who Needs Turrets? How to Be the Ultimate Heimer Smasher: Best champions and strategies to take all those pesky Heimer turrets down quickly and efficiently. If you're tired of getting zapped by Heimer's turrets, try using champions who can take them down with ease. Champions like Tristana and Caitlyn can use their range to take out the turrets from a safe distance.Getting in the Groove to Counter Heimerdinger: Specific builds and items that can lead to win against Heimer. If you're looking for a more strategic approach, try building your champion specifically to counter Heimer's attacks. Items like Abyssal Mask and Adaptive Helm can reduce his damage, while champions like Galio and Malphite can tank through his attacks.Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Going Off Screen to Outsmart Heimer: Why you should be careful when taking Heimer head on, and how to come up with a surprise attack. Heimer may be a genius, but he's not always aware of his surroundings. Try using stealth and surprise attacks to catch him off guard. Champions like Shaco and Twitch can use their invisibility to sneak up on Heimer and take him out before he even knows what's happening.Laughing in the Face of Heimerdinger: Taking on Heimer with a smile and a witty attitude make it easier to deal with him. Heimer may be a mastermind, but he's no match for a champion with a good sense of humor. Try taunting him with emotes and funny lines to throw him off his game. After all, laughter is the best medicine for taking down a tough opponent.May the Healing be with You: Countering Heimer with Support: How to use your support champion to heal and counter his attacks at the same time. Support champions like Soraka and Nami can heal their allies while also countering Heimer's attacks. Use their abilities to keep your team healthy and strong, while also shutting down Heimer's turrets and ultimates. With the right strategy, Heimer will be no match for your support skills.

The Counter to Heimerdinger


Heimerdinger, the brilliant inventor of Piltover, is known for his powerful turrets, grenade bombs, and his ability to control the battlefield. But who could counter such an intelligent champion?

Enter the Mighty Jax

One champion who can give Heimerdinger a run for his money is none other than the mighty Jax. This Grandmaster at Arms has the perfect combination of agility, strength, and precision to take down the inventor of Piltover.

Why Jax is the Best Counter for Heimerdinger

Here are some reasons why Jax is the best counter for Heimerdinger:

  1. Leap Strike: Jax's ability to jump onto Heimerdinger's turrets and take them out with ease makes him an ideal counter for the inventor's infamous turrets.
  2. Grandmaster's Might: Jax's ultimate ability gives him increased armor and magic resistance, making him nearly invulnerable to Heimerdinger's damage output.
  3. Empower: Jax's Empower ability allows him to deal extra damage to Heimerdinger's turrets, making it easier to clear them out and take control of the battlefield.
  4. Counter Strike: Jax's Counter Strike ability can stun Heimerdinger, interrupting his turret placement and giving Jax the advantage.


So there you have it, folks. If you're looking for a champion who can counter Heimerdinger's powerful turrets and control the battlefield, look no further than the mighty Jax.


  • Heimerdinger
  • Jax
  • Piltover
  • Turrets
  • Grenade bombs
  • Control the battlefield

Who Counters Heimerdinger? Nobody, He's Just Too Smart!

Well, well, well. You made it to the end of this blog post. Congratulations! I hope you learned something new about one of the most interesting champions in League of Legends, Heimerdinger. But let me ask you something, did you really think there was someone out there who could counter him? Ha! Think again.

Heimerdinger is one of the most brilliant minds in the game. He can outsmart anyone and anything. He's got turrets, grenades, rockets, and a whole lot of brains. So, unless you're a genius like him, you might as well give up now.

But let's pretend for a moment that there are some champions who think they can take down the mighty Heimerdinger. Let's humor them, shall we?

First up, we have Zed. Oh, poor Zed. He thinks he can sneak up on Heimerdinger with his shadows and burst him down. Little does he know that Heimerdinger has turrets all around him, ready to blast Zed into oblivion. And if Zed somehow manages to get close, Heimerdinger can just stun him and walk away, leaving Zed to die.

Next, we have Yasuo. He thinks he can windwall Heimerdinger's rockets and dash around his turrets. But Heimerdinger is a master of zoning and can easily control the battlefield with his turrets and grenades. He can also use his ultimate to upgrade his turrets and make them even deadlier. Poor Yasuo doesn't stand a chance.

And what about Jax? He thinks he can jump on Heimerdinger and stun him, then use his abilities to finish him off. But Heimerdinger is too smart for that. He can just throw a grenade at Jax, stun him, and walk away. He can also use his turrets to block Jax's path and force him to fight on Heimerdinger's terms.

See a pattern here? No matter who you pick, Heimerdinger will always have an answer. He's just too smart and too versatile. But don't let that discourage you. If you want to play against Heimerdinger, you just have to be smarter than him. And that's easier said than done.

So, my dear readers, I hope you enjoyed this little journey into the mind of Heimerdinger. Remember, he may be a little crazy, but he's also a genius. And if you ever find yourself facing off against him, just remember one thing: run. Run as fast as you can.

Until next time, happy gaming!

Who Counters Heimerdinger: Answering People's Burning Questions


As a seasoned summoner, you know that each champion has their own strengths and weaknesses. Heimerdinger may be a genius inventor, but he can still be taken down by certain champions. In this article, we'll answer the question on everyone's mind: who counters Heimerdinger?

Top 5 Heimerdinger Counters

Here are the top 5 champions to pick if you're facing off against Heimerdinger in the Rift:

  1. Zed - Heimerdinger's turrets may be annoying, but they won't save him from Zed's deadly shadows.
  2. Yasuo - Heimerdinger might have some tricks up his sleeve, but Yasuo's wind wall is the ultimate counter.
  3. LeBlanc - Heimerdinger's turrets can't outrun LeBlanc's mobility and burst damage.
  4. Syndra - Heimerdinger may have impressive turret placement, but Syndra can easily manipulate objects with her abilities.
  5. Fizz - Heimerdinger's turrets might be able to hit Fizz, but they can't stop him from hopping around and dodging attacks.

Other Champions to Consider

While the five champions listed above are the strongest counters to Heimerdinger, there are other champions you can choose from depending on your play style and team composition. Here are some honorable mentions:

  • Kassadin - Heimerdinger may have impressive range with his turrets, but Kassadin can easily close the gap with his ultimate.
  • Diana - Heimerdinger's turrets might be able to hit Diana, but she can quickly take them out with her Q and W.
  • Lux - Heimerdinger's turrets can't withstand Lux's ultimate laser beam.


Now that you know who counters Heimerdinger, it's time to put your knowledge to the test in the Rift. Remember, no champion is unbeatable - it all depends on your strategy and skill. Good luck, summoner!