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Unveiling the Betrayer of Rimuru: A Shocking Revelation

Who Betrayed Rimuru

Discover who betrayed Rimuru in this gripping tale of loyalty and deception. Follow the journey of the slime that became a hero.

Who betrayed Rimuru? That's the question on everyone's mind after the shocking turn of events in the world of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. Rumors are swirling and accusations are flying, but the truth remains elusive. So, let's take a closer look at the suspects and see if we can crack this case.

First up on our list of possible betrayers is Milim Nava. The Demon Lord of Destruction has always been a wild card, with a penchant for destruction and chaos. Could she have turned on Rimuru in a fit of rage? It's certainly a possibility.

Next, we have Clayman, the conniving puppet master who has been pulling strings behind the scenes for far too long. He's been known to use underhanded tactics to get what he wants, so it wouldn't be surprising if he was behind Rimuru's downfall.

Then there's Diablo, Rimuru's loyal right-hand man. He's been by Rimuru's side through thick and thin, but could his unwavering devotion be all an act? After all, he is a demon, and demons are known for their deceitfulness.

And let's not forget about the mysterious masked figure who seems to be manipulating events from the shadows. Who is this enigmatic individual, and what is their end game? They could be the key to unlocking the truth behind Rimuru's betrayal.

As we delve deeper into this mystery, it becomes clear that there are no easy answers. Each suspect has their own motives and secrets, and it's up to us to piece together the clues and uncover the truth.

But let's not get too caught up in the seriousness of it all. After all, this is anime we're talking about here. So, let's take a lighthearted approach and imagine some of the more comical scenarios that could have led to Rimuru's downfall.

Perhaps Rimuru accidentally insulted Milim's cooking, and she took it as a personal affront. Or maybe Clayman was just tired of being left out of all the fun and decided to start his own evil plot. And Diablo? Well, maybe he just wanted to take a day off and go to the demon spa.

Of course, these scenarios are purely speculative and not meant to be taken seriously. But that's the beauty of anime – it allows us to let our imaginations run wild and come up with all sorts of crazy theories.

So, who betrayed Rimuru? The answer may still be unknown, but one thing is for sure – the journey to uncovering the truth will be full of twists, turns, and plenty of laughs along the way.

The Betrayal of Rimuru

It was a dark day in the kingdom of Tempest when Rimuru, the great slime hero, was betrayed. The once peaceful land was thrown into turmoil as rumors spread about who could have committed such a heinous act. Was it one of his trusted allies? Or perhaps a newcomer with ill intentions? The truth is, we may never know for sure. But let's take a closer look at some of the suspects who could have betrayed our beloved Rimuru.

The Envious Friend

We all have that one friend who seems to be just a little too envious of our successes. Maybe they make backhanded comments or try to one-up us at every turn. Well, in Rimuru's case, that friend was none other than Gabiru, the lizardman prince. Gabiru had always been jealous of Rimuru's power and influence, and he was quick to jump on the opportunity to take him down a peg or two. But could he really be the one behind this betrayal?

The Newcomer

When a new face shows up in town, it's always wise to keep an eye on them. And in Tempest, that new face was none other than Clayman, the demon lord. From the moment he arrived, Clayman seemed determined to cause chaos and destruction. He even went so far as to create a fake alliance with Rimuru, only to turn on him later. Could Clayman's devious nature be behind the betrayal?

The Traitorous Ally

Rimuru had many allies in his fight for justice, but not all of them were as loyal as they seemed. Take Milim, for example. She was a powerful demon lord who had pledged her allegiance to Rimuru, but she had a tendency to do whatever she pleased. Perhaps she saw an opportunity to gain more power by betraying Rimuru and aligning herself with his enemies.

The Unlikely Suspect

Finally, we have the unlikely suspect: Veldora, the storm dragon. Veldora had been sealed away for centuries, and when Rimuru released him, they quickly became friends. But could Veldora's gratitude be masking a deeper motive? After all, he was once a fearsome dragon who had no qualms about causing destruction. Maybe he saw Rimuru as a means to an end, and when that end was no longer in sight, he decided to turn on him.

The Aftermath

Regardless of who betrayed Rimuru, the aftermath was devastating. Without his leadership, Tempest was thrown into chaos. The other demon lords saw an opportunity to take over, and they wasted no time in doing so. The innocent citizens of Tempest were caught in the crossfire as battles raged across the land.

The Search for Justice

In the wake of the betrayal, Rimuru's allies were determined to find out who was responsible. They scoured the kingdom for clues, interrogated suspects, and even used magic to try to uncover the truth. But as the days turned into weeks, it seemed like the culprit was nowhere to be found.

The Redemption of the Betrayer

Just when all hope seemed lost, the betrayer came forward. It was Gabiru, the envious friend. He had been consumed by jealousy and had made a deal with the demon lord Clayman to bring Rimuru down. But as he watched the chaos unfold, he realized the error of his ways. He came forward and confessed his betrayal to Rimuru's allies, begging for forgiveness.

The Forgiveness of Rimuru

Rimuru's allies were quick to condemn Gabiru for his actions, but Rimuru himself was more forgiving. He recognized that Gabiru had been consumed by envy and that he had ultimately come forward to make things right. Rimuru decided to give him a second chance, and together they worked to rebuild Tempest and restore peace to the land.

The Lesson Learned

The betrayal of Rimuru taught us all an important lesson: even our closest friends and allies can turn on us if we're not careful. But it also showed us the power of forgiveness and redemption. In the end, Rimuru was able to forgive Gabiru and work with him to create a better future. And that's something we should all strive for in our own lives.

So let us remember the lessons of the betrayal of Rimuru. Let us be cautious of those who may wish us harm, but let us also be open to forgiveness and redemption. And above all, let us strive to be the kind of leader that Rimuru was: strong, just, and always looking out for the best interests of our people.

Let me tell you about the one who betrayed Rimuru. It wasn't a grand act of treason or a dramatic backstabbing, but rather a series of small, yet infuriating betrayals. The culprit was none other than The One Who Ate the Last Donut. Yes, you read that right. This person had the audacity to snatch the very last donut from Rimuru's breakfast spread. How could anyone do such a heinous act?But wait, it doesn't stop there. This same person was also The Culprit Who Left the Toilet Seat Up. Imagine having to sit on a cold porcelain throne with a wet tooshie. Needless to say, this betrayal will not be forgotten anytime soon.And as if that wasn't enough, this person was also The Fashionista Who Borrowed My Clothes Without Permission. Now, we all love a good outfit remix, but when it involves Rimuru's favorite sweater disappearing for days on end, we have a problem.But wait, there's more. This same person was also The Coffee Thief Who Drank My Brew. There's nothing worse than waking up ready for your morning cup of joe, only to find out someone already drank it all. This is a betrayal of the highest order.And let's not forget about The Sneaky Snacker Who Ate the Rest of My Lunch. You know the feeling when you're hungry and you're looking forward to your lunch break, only to find out your co-worker snatched it all? It's a sad day indeed.But the ultimate betrayal came when this person was The Liar Who Promised to Cover My Shift. Don't make promises you can't keep. When someone volunteers to cover your shift, you expect them to actually show up. But when they don't, it's a betrayal that stings.And if that wasn't enough, this person was also The Gossip Who Spread My Secrets. Keep your mouth shut! There's nothing worse than thinking you can trust someone with a juicy secret only to find out it's been shared with everyone.But wait, there's more. This same person was also The Slacker Who Didn't Pull Their Weight on the Group Project. We all know group projects can be a pain, but when someone doesn't pull their weight, it's a betrayal of the whole team.And let's not forget about The Interrupter Who Just Won't Shut Up. We all have that one person who just loves to hear themselves speak. It's great to have an opinion, but when you constantly interrupt and talk over others, it's a form of betrayal.And last but not least, this person was also The Flake Who Always Bails Last Minute. Plans change, we get it. But when someone consistently bails on plans at the last minute, it's a betrayal of everyone's time and effort.So there you have it, the one who betrayed Rimuru. A series of small, yet infuriating betrayals that added up to a grand act of disloyalty. Let this be a lesson to us all, don't be like The One Who Ate the Last Donut.

The Betrayal of Rimuru

Who Betrayed Rimuru?

Rimuru, the mighty Slime, had always been a trustworthy friend. He had helped his companions in their time of need and had never let them down. However, one day, everything changed. Rimuru was betrayed by someone he trusted the most. But who was it?

Was it Veldora, the dragon who had always been by Rimuru's side? Or was it Milim, the demon lord who had pledged her loyalty to Rimuru? It could have been anyone. But there was one person who stood out from the rest - Benimaru.

The Betrayal of Benimaru

Benimaru was Rimuru's right-hand man, the trusted advisor who had helped him build his kingdom. He had always been loyal to Rimuru, or so they thought. One day, Rimuru received a message that shook him to the core.

Dear Rimuru,

I hope this letter finds you well. I regret to inform you that I can no longer serve as your advisor. I have decided to leave your kingdom and join forces with the enemy. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Best regards,


Rimuru was devastated. How could Benimaru do this to him? They had been through so much together. Rimuru immediately called for an emergency meeting with his remaining advisors.

The Plan to Get Revenge

Rimuru and his advisors knew that they had to act fast if they wanted to save their kingdom. They came up with a plan to get revenge on Benimaru and his new allies.

  1. First, they would gather all the information they could about Benimaru's new alliance. They needed to know their strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Next, they would send spies to infiltrate the enemy's camp and gather more intel.
  3. Once they had enough information, they would launch a surprise attack on the enemy's stronghold.
  4. Rimuru would lead the charge, with his remaining advisors by his side.
  5. They would defeat Benimaru and his allies once and for all, and reclaim their kingdom.

Rimuru was determined to get his revenge. He would not let Benimaru's betrayal go unpunished.

The End of the Betrayal

In the end, Rimuru and his advisors were successful in their mission. They defeated Benimaru and his allies, and reclaimed their kingdom. But the betrayal had left a lasting impact on Rimuru. He could never fully trust anyone again.

However, Rimuru knew that he couldn't let the betrayal consume him. He had to move on and continue building his kingdom. And so, he did.


  • Rimuru
  • Betrayal
  • Trust
  • Benimaru
  • Revenge
  • Kingdom

Who Betrayed Rimuru? The Ultimate Betrayal Unveiled!

Hello there, dear visitors! It's time to wrap up our discussion about the ultimate betrayal that Rimuru Tempest had to face. We hope that you enjoyed reading this blog as much as we enjoyed writing it. Now, let's come to the burning question that everyone wants to know- Who betrayed Rimuru? Well, the answer is not as simple as it seems. So, let's dig a little deeper and find out the truth.

First of all, let's talk about the people who could have betrayed Rimuru. There are many potential suspects- Milim Nava, Clayman, Demon Lords, and even his trusted advisers like Benimaru and Shion. But, as we explored in our previous articles, these characters had their own motives and reasons to act the way they did.

So, who was the mastermind behind the ultimate betrayal? Drumroll, please! The answer is- nobody! That's right; Rimuru was not betrayed by anyone. It was just a misunderstanding that led him to believe that he was betrayed. Let's see how it all happened.

As we know, Rimuru is a kind-hearted and compassionate person who always tries to help others. But, his goodwill sometimes leads him to make hasty decisions that have unintended consequences. One such decision was to grant amnesty to the Orc Lord's army. While it seemed like a humane thing to do at the time, it backfired when the army started attacking other nations.

Rimuru's allies, including Benimaru and Shion, raised concerns about the Orc Lord's army, but Rimuru ignored them and went ahead with his decision. This put a strain on their relationship, and they felt like Rimuru didn't trust them enough to listen to their advice.

Meanwhile, Rimuru's enemies saw this as an opportunity to take advantage of his weakened position. They started spreading rumors about him, painting him as a weak and incompetent leader who couldn't control his own army. These rumors reached Rimuru, and he began to doubt himself and his abilities.

That's when the ultimate betrayal happened- Rimuru started doubting his own allies and friends. He thought that they were conspiring against him and trying to overthrow him. This led to a rift between them, and Rimuru started distancing himself from them.

However, when the truth was revealed, Rimuru realized that he had made a mistake by not listening to his allies. He apologized to them and promised to trust them more in the future. This incident taught him a valuable lesson- that sometimes, even the best intentions can have unintended consequences, and it's important to listen to others and consider their perspectives.

So, dear visitors, the ultimate betrayal was not caused by any external force or enemy. It was caused by Rimuru's own doubts and insecurities, which led him to mistrust his friends and allies. But, in the end, he learned from his mistakes and emerged stronger than ever.

Thank you for reading this blog, and we hope that you learned something new today. Don't forget to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments section below. See you soon with another exciting topic!

Who Betrayed Rimuru?

People Also Ask:

  1. Did any of Rimuru's friends betray him?
  2. Who backstabbed Rimuru in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime?
  3. Why did someone betray Rimuru?


Oh no, has someone betrayed our beloved Rimuru? Fear not, dear fans, for we have the answer to this burning question!

  1. No, none of Rimuru's friends have betrayed him. In fact, his friends are some of the most loyal and supportive characters in the series.
  2. There is one character who could be seen as backstabbing Rimuru, and that would be Clayman. He deceived Rimuru by pretending to be his ally while secretly plotting against him. However, Rimuru eventually caught on to Clayman's scheme and put a stop to it.
  3. As for why someone would betray Rimuru, well, power and greed are usually the culprits in these situations. Rimuru is a powerful and influential figure, and some characters may see him as a threat to their own goals and ambitions.

But don't worry, Rimuru is more than capable of handling any treacherous individuals who cross his path. And let's be honest, it's always satisfying to see a good old-fashioned villain get their comeuppance!