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Nardo Doctor Who: The Comedic Genius Who Stole Hearts in Doctor Who

Nardo Doctor Who

Discover the secrets of the universe with Nardo, the beloved Doctor Who companion! Follow her adventures through time and space.

Have you ever watched Doctor Who and wished that you could travel through time and space with him? Well, if you're in Nardo, Italy, you might just have that opportunity. That's right, there's a Doctor Who-themed escape room in Nardo that will transport you to another world (or time period). But don't worry, you won't need a TARDIS to get there.

As you enter the escape room, you'll immediately feel like you've stepped into the TARDIS itself. The walls are lined with riveted metal and the console glows with a bright blue light. You might even hear the familiar whirring sound of the TARDIS as it materializes around you. But don't get too distracted by the impressive set design – you'll need to solve some puzzles if you want to escape.

One of the first challenges you'll encounter is figuring out how to power up the TARDIS. That's right, you're not just trying to escape the room, you're trying to get the TARDIS back on track. You'll need to use your wits and your knowledge of Doctor Who lore to figure out the correct sequence of buttons and levers to get the time machine up and running.

As you make your way through the various rooms of the escape room, you'll encounter some familiar faces from the Doctor Who universe. You might bump into a Dalek or two (hopefully not exterminated), or come face to face with the Weeping Angels (don't blink!). And of course, the Doctor himself might make an appearance – but which incarnation will it be?

One of the things that sets this Doctor Who escape room apart from others is the attention to detail. From the costumes and props to the puzzles and storyline, everything has been carefully crafted to immerse you in the world of Doctor Who. Whether you're a die-hard Whovian or just a casual fan, you'll appreciate the effort that has gone into creating this experience.

Of course, no escape room would be complete without some challenges that will leave you scratching your head. You might need to decode some alien language, decipher a cryptic message, or figure out how to navigate a maze of corridors. But don't worry, you won't be alone – you'll have your fellow escapees to help you out.

If you do manage to escape the room (and get the TARDIS back on track), you'll be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment and a newfound appreciation for the genius of Doctor Who. And who knows, maybe you'll even be inspired to start your own adventures through time and space.

So if you find yourself in Nardo, Italy, and you're looking for a unique and immersive experience, look no further than the Doctor Who escape room. Just remember – don't blink!


Doctor Who is a British science-fiction television series that has been running for over 50 years. It follows the adventures of a Time Lord known as the Doctor, who travels through time and space in a spaceship called the TARDIS. One of the most beloved episodes is The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, which features the iconic character Nardo. Let's take a closer look at this fan-favorite character.

Nardo: The Unforgettable Character

Nardo is a character from the Doctor Who episode The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. He is a blue-skinned alien who is incredibly loyal to his crewmates. He is also known for his dry sense of humor and his ability to keep calm under pressure. But what really sets him apart is his unforgettable catchphrase: Oi, watch it, spaceman!

The Importance of Nardo's Catchphrase

Nardo's catchphrase may seem simple, but it has become one of the most memorable lines in Doctor Who history. It perfectly captures his no-nonsense attitude and his willingness to stand up for himself and his crewmates. It's also incredibly versatile - he can use it to warn someone who is about to do something dangerous, or to express his annoyance with someone who is getting on his nerves.

Nardo's Relationship with the Doctor

Nardo has a unique relationship with the Doctor. He is fiercely loyal to him, but he also isn't afraid to question his decisions. In The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, he challenges the Doctor's plan to save the crew by sacrificing himself. This shows that Nardo is not one to blindly follow orders - he has a strong sense of right and wrong, and he isn't afraid to speak up when he thinks something is amiss.

Nardo's Dry Sense of Humor

One of the things that makes Nardo such a beloved character is his dry sense of humor. He always seems to have a witty remark or sarcastic comment up his sleeve. For example, when the Doctor asks him if he's ever seen anything like the monster they're facing, Nardo responds with, Yeah, I married her. It's this kind of humor that endears him to fans and makes him stand out from other characters on the show.

Nardo's Calm Under Pressure

Another defining trait of Nardo is his ability to keep calm under pressure. Even in the face of danger, he remains level-headed and focused. This makes him an invaluable member of the crew, as he is able to think clearly and come up with solutions to problems even in the most dire of situations.

Nardo's Sacrifice

In The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, Nardo ultimately sacrifices himself to save the crew. He stays behind to detonate a bomb that will destroy the monster they are facing, knowing that he will not survive. This act of selflessness cements his legacy as a hero and a fan-favorite character. It also shows how much he cares about his crewmates and how far he is willing to go to protect them.

Nardo's Legacy

Even though Nardo only appeared in one episode of Doctor Who, he has left a lasting impression on fans. His catchphrase, dry sense of humor, and selfless sacrifice have made him a beloved character in the Doctor Who universe. Fans still quote his famous line, Oi, watch it, spaceman! and many consider him to be one of the best one-off characters in the show's history.


Nardo may have only appeared in one episode of Doctor Who, but he has become a fan-favorite character thanks to his unforgettable catchphrase, dry sense of humor, and selfless sacrifice. He is a shining example of what makes Doctor Who such a beloved show - memorable characters, thrilling adventures, and a sense of humor that never takes itself too seriously. So here's to you, Nardo - we'll never forget you, spaceman!

Who is this Nardo guy anyway?

If you're a fan of Doctor Who, then you've probably heard of Nardo. He's the latest incarnation of the Doctor, and he's been causing a stir ever since he first appeared on our screens. But who is this Nardo guy anyway? Well, for starters, he's a time lord from the planet Gallifrey. He's got two hearts, he can regenerate his body when he's close to death, and he's been traveling through time and space for centuries. But that's just scratching the surface. Nardo is so much more than just a man with a fancy time machine. He's a hero, a friend, and a savior. And he's got a face like a slapped arse, but we'll get to that later.

Nardo's got a face like a slapped arse, but he's still my doctor.

Let's talk about Nardo's appearance for a moment. I mean, the guy looks like he's perpetually constipated. His eyebrows could rival those of Eugene Levy, and his hair looks like it's been styled with a lawnmower. But you know what? None of that matters. Because when it comes down to it, Nardo is the kind of guy you want in a crisis... as long as that crisis involves time travel and space monsters. He may not be the most conventionally attractive man out there, but he's got a charisma that's impossible to ignore. And when he flashes that mischievous grin of his, it's hard not to fall in love with him a little bit. So yeah, Nardo's got a face like a slapped arse. But he's still my doctor.

Nardo's the kind of guy you want in a crisis... as long as that crisis involves time travel and space monsters.

Speaking of crises, Nardo is the ultimate hero when it comes to saving the universe from imminent destruction. He's faced off against some of the most terrifying creatures in the galaxy, from the Daleks to the Weeping Angels, and he always manages to come out on top. Whether he's using his sonic screwdriver to disable a bomb or outsmarting an alien race with his quick wit, Nardo is always on top of his game. And he's never afraid to get his hands dirty. I mean, the guy has more gadgets than your average Bond villain... and he's not afraid to use them. From his trusty TARDIS to his collection of sonic devices, Nardo is a man who knows how to get things done.

Nardo's not just a doctor, he's a freaking time lord. How cool is that?

Let's take a moment to appreciate just how cool Nardo really is. He's not just a doctor; he's a freaking time lord. He can travel through time and space at will, he's got two hearts, and he can regenerate his body when he's close to death. I mean, how many people do you know who can do that? And he's not just any old time lord, either. He's the last of the Time Lords, which makes him pretty damn special. He's lived through centuries of history, he's witnessed the birth and death of entire civilizations, and he's saved the universe more times than we can count. And yet, despite all of that, he's still just a man. A man with a wicked sense of humor and a heart of gold.

Nardo's got more gadgets than your average Bond villain... and he's not afraid to use them.

We touched on this earlier, but it's worth mentioning again: Nardo has some seriously cool gadgets. From his sonic screwdriver to his psychic paper, he's always got something up his sleeve to get him out of a sticky situation. And the best part? He's not afraid to use them. Whether he's hacking into an alien computer system or using his TARDIS to travel through time and space, Nardo is always one step ahead of the game. And let's not forget about his trusty sonic sunglasses, which are like regular sunglasses... but with the added bonus of being able to hack into pretty much anything. Seriously, if Q from James Bond ever met Nardo, he'd be green with envy.

Nardo's catchphrase should be I'm the doctor, not your personal therapist.

As much as we love Nardo, there's one thing that can get a little exhausting: his companions' constant need for emotional support. I mean, we get it. Traveling through time and space can be pretty stressful. But sometimes it feels like Nardo's companions are using him as their personal therapist. And let's face it, Nardo's got enough on his plate without having to deal with everyone's emotional baggage. So maybe his catchphrase should be I'm the doctor, not your personal therapist. That way, everyone knows where they stand.

Nardo may be a man of science, but he's also got a wicked sense of humor.

One of the things that makes Nardo so endearing is his sense of humor. Despite all of the danger and drama he faces on a daily basis, he never loses his ability to crack a joke or make a witty remark. Whether he's poking fun at his companions or making a clever reference to pop culture, Nardo always manages to lighten the mood. And let's not forget about his love of puns. The man can turn any situation into a pun-fest, and we love him for it.

Nardo's so smart he knows how to order a pint in any language... even Gallifreyan.

We already know that Nardo is a man of many talents, but did you know that he's also a linguist? The guy can speak pretty much any language you can think of, from Spanish to Mandarin to Klingon. And if he doesn't know a language, he'll just use his psychic paper to convince everyone that he does. But that's not all. Nardo is so smart that he even knows how to order a pint in Gallifreyan. And let's be honest, that's a skill that will come in handy one day.

Nardo's enemies may have the Daleks, but he's got something even scarier on his side... companions.

When you're a time lord like Nardo, you're bound to make a few enemies along the way. And Nardo has certainly made his fair share. From the Daleks to the Cybermen to the Weeping Angels, Nardo has faced off against some of the most terrifying creatures in the universe. But you know what? He's got something even scarier on his side: companions. Whether it's Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, or Clara, Nardo's companions have always been there to have his back. They may not have sonic screwdrivers or TARDISes, but they've got something even more valuable: loyalty and friendship.

Nardo's convinced me that bow ties are cool. And I don't even wear bow ties.

Finally, we have to talk about Nardo's fashion sense. Specifically, his love of bow ties. It's no secret that Nardo is a fan of the bow tie. He wears them with such confidence and swagger that he's convinced us all that they're cool. And let's be real, not everyone can pull off a bow tie. But somehow, Nardo makes it work. And even if you're not a fan of bow ties, you have to admit that there's something pretty badass about a man who can rock one with such style.

In conclusion, Nardo may have a face like a slapped arse, but he's still one of the coolest and most beloved doctors in the history of Doctor Who. From his quick wit to his cool gadgets to his unwavering loyalty to his companions, Nardo is a hero in every sense of the word. And we wouldn't have it any other way.

The Adventures of Nardo Doctor Who


Nardo Doctor Who was a peculiar fellow. He was always dressed in a long coat, bow tie, and suspenders. His hair was always disheveled, and he had an unusual habit of talking to himself. But what made him truly unique was his ability to travel through time and space in his trusty blue police box, the TARDIS.

The Time Machine

Nardo had inherited the TARDIS from his grandfather, who was also a time traveler. The TARDIS could travel anywhere in time and space, but it had one small problem – it was stuck in the shape of a 1960s British police box. Nardo tried to fix it, but every time he did, something else went wrong. He had once accidentally turned the TARDIS into a giant rubber duck and spent a week trying to change it back.

The Companions

Nardo traveled through time and space alone for many years, but eventually, he started to feel lonely. So, he started taking on companions to join him on his adventures. His companions were always different – some were aliens, some were humans from different time periods, and some were robots. But they all had one thing in common – they always got into trouble.

Key Points:

  • Nardo Doctor Who is a time traveler who travels through time and space in his TARDIS.
  • The TARDIS is stuck in the shape of a 1960s British police box.
  • Nardo has taken on companions to join him on his adventures.
  • His companions are always getting into trouble.

The Adventures

Nardo and his companions had some wild adventures. They once went to a planet where the inhabitants were made entirely of cheese. Nardo's companion, a lactose intolerant robot, was not pleased. They also visited ancient Rome and accidentally started a chariot race that destroyed half the city. Nardo had to use his sonic screwdriver to fix things before they got arrested by the Roman army.

One time, Nardo and his companions ended up on a planet where the sun never set. They had to wear sunglasses all the time and were constantly confused about what time it was. They eventually figured out that the planet was stuck in a time loop, and Nardo had to use his TARDIS to break the loop and save the planet.

Key Points:

  1. Nardo and his companions have had some wild adventures.
  2. They once visited a planet made entirely of cheese.
  3. They accidentally started a chariot race in ancient Rome.
  4. They broke a time loop on a planet where the sun never set.

The End

Nardo Doctor Who continued to travel through time and space, always looking for new adventures. He never knew where he was going to end up next, but he always had his trusty TARDIS and his quirky companions by his side. And even though he often found himself in perilous situations, he always managed to save the day with his quick wit and his sonic screwdriver.

One thing was for sure – wherever Nardo Doctor Who went, laughter and chaos were sure to follow.

Key Points:

  • Nardo continued to travel through time and space.
  • He always had his trusty TARDIS and quirky companions by his side.
  • Nardo always managed to save the day with his quick wit and his sonic screwdriver.
  • Laughter and chaos always followed Nardo on his adventures.

Closing Message for Nardo Doctor Who

Well, well, well! It's time to say goodbye, my dear readers. But before I wrap up this article, let me just say that writing about Nardo Doctor Who has been an absolute delight. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

If you've made it this far, then you must be a die-hard fan of Doctor Who. And if you're not, then maybe Nardo Doctor Who has convinced you to join the fandom. Either way, I'm glad you stopped by and gave this blog a chance.

Now, let's talk about Nardo. What a character! He's snarky, sassy, and always ready with a witty comeback. He may not be a main character, but he certainly leaves a lasting impression on viewers.

One thing I love about Nardo is his ability to make fun of himself. He's not afraid to admit his flaws or poke fun at his own mistakes. It's refreshing to see a character who doesn't take themselves too seriously.

Another thing I appreciate about Nardo is his loyalty to the Doctor. He may not always agree with the Doctor's decisions, but he trusts him and is willing to follow him into danger. That's the kind of friend we all need in our lives.

Overall, Nardo Doctor Who is a character who brings humor and heart to the show. He may not have a sonic screwdriver or a TARDIS, but he's still an essential part of the Doctor Who universe.

Before I bid you adieu, let me leave you with this thought: life is short, so don't take it too seriously. Laugh often, love fiercely, and embrace your inner Nardo. Because at the end of the day, it's the people in our lives who make it worth living.

Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you again soon!

People Also Ask About Nardo Doctor Who

Who is Nardo Doctor Who?

Nardo is not a character in Doctor Who. Maybe you're thinking of Nardole, played by actor Matt Lucas. Nardole is a recurring character who first appeared in the Christmas special The Husbands of River Song and later became a companion to the Twelfth Doctor.

Is Nardo Doctor Who a real person?

No, Nardo Doctor Who is not a real person. It seems like someone may have made up this name or perhaps it's a misspelling of a Doctor Who character's name.

What is Nardo Doctor Who's role in the show?

Since Nardo Doctor Who is not a real character in the show, there is no role for them to play. However, if you meant to ask about Nardole's role, he is a companion to the Doctor who aids him in various adventures throughout time and space.

Why do people keep asking about Nardo Doctor Who?

It's possible that people are simply confused and are actually trying to ask about Nardole. Or, it could be that Nardo Doctor Who has become a meme or inside joke among fans of the show.

Can I dress up as Nardo Doctor Who for Halloween?

While Nardo Doctor Who is not a real character, you are welcome to dress up as any Doctor Who character you like for Halloween! Just make sure you get the details right if you're going for a specific character.

  • Tip: If you're dressing up as Nardole, you'll need a bald cap and a red coat!

Is there a Nardo Doctor Who action figure?

Since Nardo Doctor Who is not a real character, there is no action figure for them. However, you can find action figures for many of the Doctor Who characters, including Nardole!

  1. Fun fact: Matt Lucas actually has his own action figure as Nardole!

Can Nardo Doctor Who regenerate?

As a non-existent character in the show, Nardo Doctor Who cannot regenerate. However, if you meant to ask about Nardole's ability to regenerate, it has not been explicitly stated in the show whether or not he can.

What is Nardo Doctor Who's catchphrase?

Since Nardo Doctor Who is not a real character, they do not have a catchphrase. However, if you were trying to ask about Nardole's catchphrase, he doesn't really have one either. But he does say Hello, sweetie a few times as a nod to River Song's catchphrase!