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Unleash the Power: Top 5 Champions Who Can Counter Wukong in League of Legends

Who Counters Wukong

Find out which champions can counter Wukong's sneaky tricks and overpower his monkey business. Learn the best strategies to win against him!

#LeagueOfLegends #WukongCounter #GamingTips

Are you tired of getting outplayed by Wukong in every game you play? Do you constantly find yourself on the receiving end of his relentless attacks and mind-boggling escapes? Well, fear not my fellow summoners, as I am here to enlighten you on the champions that can shut down this pesky monkey once and for all.

First off, let's talk about Renekton. This crocodile may not be as flashy as Wukong, but he sure knows how to bring the pain. With his ability to stun and shred armor, Renekton can make quick work of Wukong before he even has a chance to react. Plus, it's always satisfying to see a giant croc take down a tiny monkey.

Another champion that can give Wukong a run for his money is Poppy. This yordle may seem innocent, but don't let her size fool you. With her ability to knock enemies back and stun them against walls, Poppy can keep Wukong at bay and prevent him from escaping. And let's be real, there's nothing funnier than watching a tiny yordle taking down a mighty monkey.

If you're looking for a more ranged option, then look no further than Vayne. This deadly marksman can kite Wukong around with ease, thanks to her ability to tumble and condemn enemies away. Plus, with her true damage procs, Wukong won't be able to tank her for long. And who doesn't love seeing a monkey get taken down by a crossbow-wielding badass?

But perhaps the most satisfying counter to Wukong is none other than Teemo. Yes, that's right, the little yordle that everyone loves to hate. With his ability to blind enemies and lay down invisible mushrooms, Teemo can make Wukong's life a living hell. Plus, there's nothing quite as satisfying as watching a monkey step on a mushroom and die a slow and painful death.

Of course, these are just a few of the champions that can counter Wukong. There are plenty more options out there, depending on your playstyle and preferences. But one thing's for sure, with these champions in your arsenal, you'll never have to fear the mighty monkey again.

So next time you see a Wukong on the enemy team, don't panic. Just pick one of these counters and show that monkey who's boss. Trust me, it'll be a sight to see.


Hey there, fellow League of Legends players! We all know that Wukong is a formidable foe in the Rift, with his flashy plays and tricky clones. But what if I told you that there are champions out there who can counter him? Yes, you heard it right – there are champions who can put an end to his monkey business. And in this article, we will be taking a look at some of these champions in a humorous tone. So, buckle up and get ready to laugh your way through this guide!

The Monkey King

But before we dive into the counters, let’s take a quick look at what makes Wukong such a tough opponent. Wukong is a melee fighter who excels in engaging and disrupting enemy teams. He has a versatile kit that allows him to close gaps, deal damage, and even stun his enemies. His ultimate ability, Cyclone, can knock up multiple enemies and deal massive damage over time. And to top it all off, he has a passive ability that grants him bonus armor and magic resist for each nearby enemy champion. Talk about a tough nut to crack!

Countering Wukong

Now, let’s get to the good stuff – how to counter Wukong. There are several champions who can effectively shut down Wukong’s shenanigans, and we’ll be discussing them one by one.

1. Garen

Ah, good old Garen. The Demacian warrior has always been a popular pick in the top lane, and for good reason. With his tankiness, sustain, and high damage output, he can easily out-trade Wukong in a 1v1 scenario. And if Wukong tries to engage on him, Garen can simply use his Q ability, Decisive Strike, to silence him and prevent him from using his abilities. Talk about shutting down a monkey!

2. Renekton

Another top lane bruiser who can go toe-to-toe with Wukong is Renekton. Renekton has a similar playstyle to Wukong, with his ability to engage and deal damage. However, Renekton has the added advantage of having sustain and a stun, which can really mess up Wukong’s plans. And if Wukong tries to escape with his W ability, Nimbus Strike, Renekton can use his E ability, Slice and Dice, to follow him and keep the pressure on.

3. Pantheon

The Artisan of War himself is another champion who can give Wukong a run for his money. Pantheon has a kit that is designed to dominate the laning phase, with his poke and burst damage. And if Wukong tries to engage on him, Pantheon can simply use his W ability, Aegis of Zeonia, to stun him and unleash his combo. And if Wukong tries to retreat with his W ability, Pantheon can use his ultimate, Grand Skyfall, to chase him down and finish him off.

4. Poppy

Now, this one might come as a surprise to some of you. Poppy is not exactly a popular pick in the top lane, but she can be a nightmare for Wukong. Poppy’s W ability, Steadfast Presence, can prevent Wukong from using his Nimbus Strike or Cyclone, effectively shutting down his engage. And if Wukong tries to escape with his W ability, Poppy can use her E ability, Heroic Charge, to stun him and keep him in place. Plus, Poppy’s ultimate, Keeper’s Verdict, can knock Wukong away and prevent him from engaging on her team.

5. Jax

Last but not least, we have the Grandmaster at Arms himself, Jax. Jax is a master duelist who can out-trade Wukong with his abilities and passive, Relentless Assault. And if Wukong tries to engage on him, Jax can simply use his E ability, Counter Strike, to dodge his attacks and stun him. Plus, Jax’s ultimate, Grandmaster’s Might, can give him bonus armor and magic resist, making him even tankier against Wukong’s damage.


And there you have it, folks – five champions who can counter Wukong in the top lane. Of course, these are not the only champions who can do so, but they are some of the most effective ones. So, the next time you see a Wukong on the enemy team, don’t panic – just pick one of these champions and show him who’s the real king of the Rift!

Who Counters Wukong?

Monkey See, Monkey... Not Do Much. Yes, Wukong may be a legendary monkey, but he isn't always the best pick in League of Legends. There are many champions that can counter him and take him down with ease. Lesser-known champions like Kennen, Quinn, or even Teemo can beat the Monkey King. These champions have unique abilities that can outsmart and outmaneuver Wukong.

Crush the Monkey, Save the Jungle

But what about environmental activists? Can they take down Wukong too? Absolutely! They can lead a crusade to crush the monkey and save the jungle. With their passion for nature and their determination to preserve it, they can rally their forces and take on the Monkey King. They can also spread awareness about the dangers of deforestation and the importance of protecting the environment.

Under the Sea, Where Wukong Can't Breathe

Wukong is a land-dwelling monkey, so it's no surprise that ocean-themed champions can counter him easily. Champions like Nami, Fizz, or even Nautilus can use their aquatic abilities to trap, stun, or slow down Wukong. Under the sea, where Wukong can't breathe, these champions reign supreme.

Wukong vs. the World (of Warcraft)

But what if you're a player of Blizzard's MMO, World of Warcraft? Can you take on the mythical monkey king? Of course, you can! You can use your skills, weapons, and spells to defeat Wukong. You can also team up with other players and strategize your attacks. In Wukong vs. the World (of Warcraft), the odds are in your favor.

Finding the Monkey's Kryptonite

If you're looking for uncommon strategies to defeat Wukong, then look no further. You can find the monkey's kryptonite by using champions that have abilities that he can't counter. Champions like Yasuo, Riven, or even Akali can use their mobility and damage to take down Wukong. You can also bait him into using his abilities and then strike when he's vulnerable.

Too Cool for School (of Magic)

Magical champions can outsmart the Monkey King with their spells and abilities. Champions like Ahri, LeBlanc, or even Twisted Fate can confuse, charm, or silence Wukong, making him an easy target. They can also use their range and burst damage to finish him off before he can retaliate. Too cool for school (of magic), these champions reign supreme.

Reigning on Wukong's Parade

But what about champions that can rain on Wukong's parade? Champions like Jinx, Caitlyn, or even Lux can use their long-range attacks to poke and harass Wukong from a safe distance. They can also use their traps and snares to keep him at bay. Reigning on Wukong's parade, these champions will make him regret ever stepping onto the battlefield.

The Plight of the Primate

Animal rights activists can also attack Wukong for exploiting his monkey status. They can argue that he's a sentient being and should not be used as a tool for war. They can also raise awareness about the cruel treatment of animals and the need for compassion and empathy towards all living creatures. The plight of the primate is real, and Wukong is not immune to it.

Wukong vs. the Avengers

But what if you're a fan of Marvel's superheroes? Can they take on the Monkey King? Absolutely! The Avengers can use their powers, gadgets, and teamwork to defeat Wukong. Iron Man can use his suit to fly and shoot lasers, Captain America can use his shield to block Wukong's attacks, Thor can use his hammer to summon lightning, and Hulk can use his strength to smash Wukong into oblivion. Wukong vs. the Avengers, who will emerge victorious?

In conclusion, there are many champions, activists, and superheroes that can counter Wukong. From the lesser-known champions to the famous superheroes, everyone can take on the mythical monkey king. It's up to you to find the strategy that works best for you and crush the monkey once and for all.

Who Counters Wukong?

Wukong is a tricky champion to play against. He has a lot of mobility and can quickly close the gap between himself and his opponent. However, there are some champions that can easily counter him and make his life a living hell on the Rift.

The Natural Counter: Renekton

If you want to make Wukong's life miserable, look no further than Renekton. This crocodile champion has all the tools he needs to shut down Wukong's aggression and turn the tide of the fight in his favor.

  • Renekton's Q, Cull the Meek, allows him to heal up while dealing damage to Wukong.
  • His W, Ruthless Predator, stuns Wukong and stops him dead in his tracks.
  • Renekton's ultimate, Dominus, gives him a huge boost in health and makes him even harder to take down.

The Ranged Counter: Vayne

Wukong struggles against ranged champions, and Vayne is one of the best. Her ability to kite and deal massive amounts of damage from a distance makes her a nightmare for Wukong to deal with.

  • Vayne's passive, Night Hunter, allows her to chase down Wukong and keep her distance.
  • Her Q, Tumble, gives her even more mobility and makes it hard for Wukong to land his abilities.
  • Vayne's ultimate, Final Hour, makes her invisible and gives her a huge boost in damage.

The Unexpected Counter: Teemo

Teemo may seem like an unlikely counter to Wukong, but hear us out. This yordle champion has a few tricks up his sleeve that can catch Wukong off guard and turn the fight in his favor.

  • Teemo's Q, Blinding Dart, blinds Wukong and makes it impossible for him to land any attacks.
  • His W, Move Quick, gives him a huge boost in speed and allows him to kite Wukong with ease.
  • Teemo's ultimate, Noxious Trap, can be used to zone Wukong and make it hard for him to engage.


While Wukong is a formidable opponent, there are champions out there who can easily counter him and make his life a living hell on the Rift. Whether you're playing as Renekton, Vayne, or Teemo, you have the tools you need to shut down Wukong and come out on top.

Now go out there and show Wukong who's boss!

Closing Message: Don't Monkey Around with Wukong!

Congratulations, you've made it to the end of our journey on figuring out who counters Wukong! We've explored different champions and strategies that can help you defeat this tricky monkey king. But before we say goodbye, let me remind you that Wukong is not to be underestimated. He may seem cute and cuddly with his monkey features, but make no mistake, he is a force to be reckoned with.

So, what have we learned? Well, for one, crowd control is your best friend when facing Wukong. Champions like Janna and Lulu can shut him down with their abilities. Another key strategy is to keep your distance from him and poke him from afar. This is where champions like Caitlyn and Xerath come in handy. And let's not forget about building armor and health items, which can help reduce Wukong's damage output.

But let's be honest, even with these strategies, Wukong is still a tough opponent. He can jump around the battlefield, clone himself, and deal massive damage with his ult. So, what do we do when we're faced with a Wukong that seems unbeatable?

Well, sometimes the best solution is to just laugh it off. After all, Wukong is a monkey, and monkeys are funny. So, instead of getting frustrated, try to see the humor in the situation. Imagine Wukong slipping on a banana peel or getting tangled up in his own tail. Who knows, maybe your laughter will distract him enough to give you an advantage!

In all seriousness though, Wukong is a formidable opponent, and it takes skill and strategy to defeat him. But with the tips and tricks we've discussed, you'll be better equipped to handle him in your next match. So, go forth and don't monkey around with Wukong!

Before we wrap up, I'd like to give a shoutout to all the champions we've discussed who can counter Wukong. From the charming Lulu to the deadly Caitlyn, you've all helped us in our journey to take down this monkey king. And to our readers, thank you for joining us on this adventure. We hope you've learned something new and had some fun along the way!

And with that, we conclude our discussion on who counters Wukong. Remember, the key to success is preparation, strategy, and a little bit of humor. So, go out there and show Wukong who's boss!

Who Counters Wukong?


Wukong, the Monkey King, is a formidable champion in League of Legends. He can dish out a lot of damage and has great mobility, which makes him a popular pick in many games. However, every champion has its weaknesses, and Wukong is no exception. In this article, we will discuss some champions that can counter Wukong and give you tips on how to beat him.

Champions that Counter Wukong

Here are some champions that can counter Wukong:

  1. Jax - Jax is a melee champion that can match Wukong's strength and mobility. He has a stun ability that can interrupt Wukong's combo and deal a lot of damage. Additionally, Jax's counterstrike ability can block Wukong's attacks and reflect some of the damage back to him.
  2. Darius - Darius is a tanky champion that can withstand Wukong's burst damage and out-trade him. Darius has a pull ability that can bring Wukong closer to him, making it harder for Wukong to escape. Darius's ultimate ability, Noxian Guillotine, deals true damage and can execute Wukong when his health is low.
  3. Renekton - Renekton is another champion that can match Wukong's strength and mobility. He has a stun ability that can interrupt Wukong's combo and deal a lot of damage. Additionally, Renekton's ultimate ability, Dominus, increases his health and size, making it harder for Wukong to burst him down.

Tips on How to Beat Wukong

Here are some tips on how to beat Wukong:

  • Stay away from his decoy - Wukong's decoy ability can be frustrating to deal with. However, you can avoid falling for it by staying away from it and waiting for it to disappear.
  • Avoid fighting him when his ultimate is up - Wukong's Cyclone ability can deal a lot of damage and knock you up. Try to avoid fighting him when he has his ultimate up and wait for it to expire before engaging him.
  • Build armor and health items - Wukong deals mostly physical damage, so building armor and health items can help you survive his burst damage.


Wukong is a strong champion, but he has his weaknesses. Jax, Darius, and Renekton are some champions that can counter him. Additionally, you can beat Wukong by staying away from his decoy, avoiding fighting him when his ultimate is up, and building armor and health items. Remember, League of Legends is a game of strategy and teamwork, so make sure to communicate with your team and work together to defeat Wukong.